Hillary loses again!

Good day all. Once again, Hillary “Felon” Clinton has lost another primary to Comrade Bernie Sanders. Yesterday, West Virginia held their primary and Cankles was crushed 51-36.

hillary shocked

Of course, since the entire Democrat nomination process was rigged to give it to Cankles, it doesn’t matter if she blew all of the primaries and caucuses. Still, these constant defeats do not bode well for her in November, provided the Obama Regime can successfully suppress the FBI recommendation to charge her.

One thing this does do is keep Comrade Bernie’s no shot long shot chance at the nomination alive. Here’s a few details from Fox News:

Sen. Bernie Sanders won the West Virginia Democratic primary Tuesday to stay alive in his long-shot bid to take the party’s presidential nomination from front-runner Hillary Clinton. Sanders had roughly 51 percent of the West Virginia vote, compared to 36 percent for Clinton, with 94 percent of precincts reporting.

I wonder where the other votes went to? 13% for other candidates? Of course, Comrade Bernie started crowing about the crushing defeat he inflicted on Clinton.

We won a big, big victory,” Sanders said at a rally in Salem, Oregon. “The people of West Virginia … said we need an economy that can help more than just the one percent.”


Does anyone see what’s wrong with this statement? No? I’d wager the coal miners do. Comrade Bernie is blaming the so called “1 Percent” for the economic problems in West Virginia. The actual cause of the problems is the United States Government under the direct orders of President Obama. He has instructed the EPA to kill all coal production and use in the United States as soon as possible.

Hillary Clinton, displaying her usual political tone deafness, promptly told the miners who have lost their jobs that they are out of luck, and that she will continue destroying the industry. (Donald Trump sent Cankles a thank you note)

evil hillary2

The self-described democratic socialist has now won 19 states, compared to 23 for Clinton. But he still faces an extreme “uphill climb” toward winning the party nomination, in his own words.

Yes, he has to figure out a way to peel off the Democrat Super Delegates from Cankles. They are the only thing that’s keeping her chances of the nomination alive.

Clinton has an insurmountable lead in the delegate race — 2,239 compared to 1,469 for Sanders, with just nine more contests remaining. It takes 2,383 delegates to win the Democratic nomination.

And that lead is almost entirely due to the super delegates. Take them away from her and the race tightens up considerably.

Sanders has acknowledged his only hope to win the nomination is to go to the party’s nominating convention in July and convince enough superdelegates to cast ballots for him — amid calls from Democratic leaders to exit the race.

If Sanders holds on until the convention, and continues to do well, (Basically continues crushing Clinton), I think there will be a massive floor fight at the Democrat Convention. In many ways, this isn’t all that different than what has been going on in the Republican primary races. Trump wasn’t certain to win enough delegates to gain a lock on the nomination, (Until recently), and the GOP(e) were actively looking for a way to take the nomination away from him in a brokered convention.

That possibility, on the GOP side, ended once Cruz threw in the towel. It was always problematical that they could have pulled the nomination from Trump, since he, unlike Cankles, earned his delegates the old fashioned way, By winning elections.


Since the races between Comrade Bernie and Cankles Clinton is a lot closer, a floor fight for the super delegates probably will happen. If Sanders wins the majority of pledged delegates from here on out, the pressure increases exponentially.

Finally, all this talk about Cankles “Inevitable win in November because, Trump” isn’t really looking all that inevitable after all. To begin with, Cankles is not well liked by anyone. She’s actually doing worse now than she did in 2008 when Obama came out of nowhere and crushed her dreams of the presidency. In a column by Kyle Olson in the American Mirror, He writes about just how bad Clinton’s support actually is.

Hillary Clinton is putting David Copperfield to shame with her vanishing voter trick. Her base of support is disappearing right before our eyes, but unlike Copperfield, Clinton isn’t putting on an act. On Tuesday, Clinton lost the West Virginia primary to 74-year-old socialist Bernie Sanders 51% to 36%.

That’s a stark contrast to 2008, when she trounced Barack Obama, 66.9% to 25.7% (John Edwards received 7.3%). But perhaps what’s more shocking is the raw vote total. In 2008, she received 240,890 votes. Yesterday, Clinton netted 84,176 votes, according to NBC — a 65% decline.


You can add to that the number of Sanders voters who have said they will not, under any circumstances, vote for Hillary Rodham Clinton. A significant percentage have also said that they would consider voting for Donald Trump. That number outweighs the number of GOP(e) NeverTrumpers who have said they will vote for Cankles. (Showing that they’ve always been Democrats)

And finally, there is the elephant in the room, and I don’t mean the GOP elephant. The FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified documents, obstruction of justice, conspiracy, and probably public corruption is winding up. She has been called to talk with the FBI about all this, and as I understand it, this will be the final stage of the investigation. After that, it will be dumped on Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s desk, and from there, she will toss the whole thing into a shredder.

Hillary for Prison

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s decades long history of corruption is going to be fair game for Donald Trump. He is going to throw her entire sordid history right back into her face, something that none of the other former candidates, including Ted Cruz, would have done.

If, by some miracle, Lynch remembers that she is an officer of the law, and does send Cankles to a Grand Jury with a recommendation to indict, then the fun will begin a little earlier as the Democrats scramble to figure out a way to make Joe Biden the nominee.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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