More dumping on the Clintons

Good day all. I think it’s time to take yet another dump on Hillary and Bill Clinton. Donald Trump certainly has been. Now that he’s the GOP Nominee, he’s opened fire on Hillary Clinton, and since Slick Willy has put himself out there, he’s opening up on the Silver Zipper as well.


Recently, Donald Trump’s campaign released a commercial regarding the former president’s personal behavior. There is a whole generation that has no idea that Bill Clinton was impeached, (But not convicted), and that he has also been barred from the practice of law. One of the reasons this happened is Slick Willy was caught lying under oath about certain things, like Monica Lewinsky.

Trump has decided it’s time to educate these younger voters in just what a pair of slimy scum the Clintons truly are:

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The premise of this commercial is that Hillary Clinton, rather than protect women from rapists, will actually do everything she can to discredit these women if their accusations pose any kind of threat to her, and by extension, Bill Clinton.

Demon hillary

This new ad by Trump has angered one of Cankles biggest protectors, NBC. In a story reported by the Washington Free Beacon:

NBC News called presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump’s most recent attacks on former president Bill Clinton’s alleged past sexual transgressions “another low” in the 2016 presidential campaign on Tuesday. NBC correspondent Peter Alexander reported on the most recent spat between Trump and Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton on the Today show when he detailed the real estate mogul’s most recent allegations against the former first couple.

It’s only May, but this race is hitting another low: Donald Trump’s latest attack on the Clintons, revisiting decades-old allegations of sexual misconduct against Bill Clinton that Fox News host Bill O’Reilly called tawdry,” Alexander said.


First, when these “Allegations” came out, instead of actually investigating them, the Main Stream Media actually covered them up. They either ignored the victims or ran stories supplied by the Clinton’s “Bimbo Eruption Unit” to smear Bill Clinton’s accusers. This was all back in the early days of the internet, and the Clinton’s activities are what put the Drudge Report on the map.

Since those early days, the Internet has exploded and the Main Stream Media has lost the ability to bury stories, or manufacture them as the case may be, to protect their friends and destroy their enemies. We also have a candidate on the Republican side who will hit back and hit hard, and this also has the Mostly Stupid Media up in arms.

Alexander described how Donald Trump is defending his “relentless” attacks on both Hillary and Bill Clinton, arguing he has to fight back and respond to their actions as “dirty players.”

The latest attack, seemingly unprovoked, digging up President Clinton’s old sex scandals, including the voice of Monica Lewinsky,” Alexander said.


He was describing Trump’s most recent attack on the Clintons, an Instagram video released Monday that includes the voices of two women who have accused Bill Clinton of sexual assault.

This salacious video posted by Trump on Instagram, superimposing Clinton over past accusations of sexual misconduct that Clinton has repeatedly denied,” Alexander described.


Here’s the problem you Clinton Rump Swab. Bill Clinton is a liar. He has been barred from practicing law before the Supreme Court, (Not that he ever planned to). Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar who will tell a lie even when she doesn’t have to. If these two were Republicans, they would both be rotting in prison right now and the Mostly Stupid Media would be piling on with even more dirt.


This “Journalist” Peter Alexander was 16 when Bill Clinton was elected. He grew up under him, and like most of the people in his profession, is a screaming moonbat. This is why he, and others, are so upset. Donald Trump is dumping on their heroes, people who can “Do No Wrong.” Trump is going to rip Hillary apart and since she has brought Bill into the election picture, trump is going after him as well From what I’ve seen, read and experienced, Trump is going to need a lot of disk space to archive all that garbage. This is going to be a fun election this year!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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