About those “Peaceful” anti-Trump protests?

Good day all. It’s beginning to look like the Perpetually Offended Warriors of Social Justice are beginning to realize that they probably won’t convince people to vote for Hillary Clinton, or even Bernie Sanders in November.

A typical tolerant Democrat

So, in their usual way, they have decided to try and convince people of the Rightness of their Cause by rioting, arson, assault and battery. There’s a lot on what happened yesterday at a Trump rally in New Mexico. First, a general report from Associated Press:

In one of the presidential campaign year’s more grisly spectacles, protesters in New Mexico opposing Donald Trump’s candidacy threw burning T-shirts, plastic bottles and other items at police officers, injuring several, and toppled trash cans and barricades. Police responded by firing pepper spray and smoke grenades into the crowd outside the Albuquerque Convention Center.


They should have replied with live ammo and white phosphorus grenades, but that’s just me.

During the rally, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee was interrupted repeatedly by protesters, who shouted, held up banners and resisted removal by security officers. The banners included the messages “Trump is Fascist” and “We’ve heard enough.”


I always find it amusing at just how hypocritical these moonbats are. They love to scream “Fascist!” at Trump or anyone who says anything they disagree with, then try and shut them down, just like real Fascists do. Trump, of course, fired back at them, calling them what they are. Crybabies who should go home to mommy. Then the protestors rioters decided to move to the “Pillage and Burn” segment of their protests. According to CNN:

Protesters lit fires, smashed a door and threw rocks outside a Donald Trump rally Tuesday night in New Mexico — the latest scuffle to follow the presumptive Republican nominee’s campaign. The scene outside Albuquerque’s convention center was chaotic as police ushered protesters away from Trump’s event and into the nearby streets.

They should have ushered them out into the desert and left them for dead, but again, that’s just me. Then it started getting serious.

Despite initial word of gunshots, Albuquerque’s police department said on Twitter that there was “no confirmation” of gunshots. “There is no confirmation that any gunshots were fired, contrary to reports. Possible damage to Convention Center Windows by pellet gun,” the department tweeted.

triple facepalm

Whoever used that pellet gun is lucky he or she wasn’t spotted either by an armed Trump supporter or a police officer. In the dark, in that chaos, no one would have known it wasn’t a live weapon and that moron would probably be on a slab in the morgue.

Smoking gun

With all that, the protestors rioters decided to show just how courageous they were by conducting a little assault and battery on someone who couldn’t fight back very well. Here are the details of that from The American Mirror:

No Donald Trump supporter is off limits to the leftists agitators — even a man in a wheelchair. The Associated Press reports Trump supporters were “taunted” by the crowd outside the Albuquerque Convention Center on Tuesday evening.

Taunted? Is that another way of saying viciously assaulted by a rampaging mob?

Some protesters even threw water bottles and water at the Trump supporters as they walked along a sidewalk leading to the Albuquerque Convention Center.

Dereck Scott of Albuquerque was among those who were hit with a plastic bottle.

Scott, who is in a wheelchair, said the attack was unprovoked and unnecessary. He says he has a right to vote for the candidate he prefers.

Gabrielle Burkhart of KRQE tweeted two videos that appear to show the assault and the reaction of the man in the wheelchair:

WARNING Language: Things get ugly btw. Protestors & Trump supporters, water thrown at guy in wheelchair @krqe pic.twitter.com/jy5aSf7u5O

Gabrielle Burkhart (@gburkNM) May 25, 2016

And as for the police? Oh they were their usual helpful selves it seems.

Where the f*ck are you?” the man yelled to a nearby police officer after the scuffle and water was thrown on him.


They just assaulted us!” the man yelled at the officer who seemed completely indifferent.

We didn’t do anything,” his companion told the officer before they continued into the rally.

In a situation like this, there has to be zero tolerance for this type of behavior from either side. Over the last few months as it became clear to the Moonbats that Trump wasn’t going away, they have ramped up the level of violence towards people who want to listen to Donald Trump.

We saw the exact same thing happen in the early days of the Tea Party protests when SEIU thugs started attacking Tea Party members, putting several in the hospital. Since there wasn’t any response by law enforcement, the Tea Party groups took matters into their own hands. They started showing up at rallies carrying pistols, rifles and shotguns and made it clear to the “Purple People Beaters” that while they could lawfully protest all they wanted, they would be shot if they tried attacking anyone again. The attacks stopped immediately.

Rape whistle

If the police don’t stop these lunatics, people will take matters into their own hands. As with the Tea Party groups, they didn’t initiate any violence, but were fully prepared to put a stop to it if the police failed to do so.

chuck Norris

After assaulting the Trump supporters, the ever so peaceful protestors rioters moved on to attacking the police. According to the Albuquerque Journal:

What started as a calm protest outside Donald Trump’s rally Tuesday erupted into fiery violence as protesters jumped on police cars, smashed windows and fought with Trump supporters and police.

Police faced such an angry crowd that they called in reinforcements from around the state, seeking to double their numbers to counter the protesters, whose numbers swelled beyond 600. Police said on social media that at least one person was arrested in “the riot” and that multiple officers were injured after being hit by rocks.

Not all the protestors rioters joined in. Some actually tried to keep the peace and protest in the way everyone accepts.

Many protesters tried to keep the peace. At one point, a young woman waded into a crowd of protesters who had shoved a man to the ground and kicked him. She and police eventually broke up the fight. Other protesters stood between an agitated crowd and police, some in riot gear, to help calm the protesters. But the crowd remained unruly.

So, they may be moonbats, but they aren’t violent ones and actively tried to stop the thugs. Good for them. Unfortunately, they were outnumbered by the thugs and illegals who want to take the American west and add it to that wonderfully successful nation called Mexico.

They threw large rocks and lit firecrackers at the police, at times striking and spooking the horses. They carried Mexican flags and yelled at the police in Spanish.

full retard

And under the administration of President Trump, they will be arrested, their immigration and/or citizenship checked, and if they are not in the country legally, booted out. As for those waiving the Mexican flag? If they are Mexican nationals, then they are invaders and should be considered as such. If they are American citizens, they may have crossed the line into treason. I’ll let others better informed on the law determine that.

The conventions are coming up next, and the Republican convention is in Cleveland, Ohio. (Why, I have no idea) Earlier, when reports of police preparations were announced, people, such as myself, were wondering if they were prepared to handle rioting Trump supporters. We all assumed that the GOP(e) would steal the nomination from him. That’s looking like a nonstarter, however there is still going top be the problem of the Moonbats causing trouble.

Barking Moonbat

The police have to be prepared to break a few SJW heads if necessary. If they don’t and things get out of hand, and the leftists start attacking convention goers, the Trump supporters will fight back, and I would not be at all surprised if lethal force isn’t used in a few cases. (Self defense) This is something the Moonbats and Social Justice Warriors simply aren’t seeing. The average American has had enough of their garbage and Donald Trump is one result. When President Trump is sworn in next January, their party is over. I wonder if we can use convict labor to build the Trump Wall?

Donald Trump


~The Angry Webmaster~

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