State Dept. Auditor: Clinton broke the rules

Good day all. This story is fresh off the presses. The State Department Inspector General has reported on Cankles email server, and, to be honest, it isn’t going to help Hillary Clinton at all.


The IG’s report says that Hillary broke the rules with her server and also didn’t report several “attacks” on it. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

The State Department watchdog, in an extensive and detailed report, accused Hillary Clinton of flouting federal records rules and cybersecurity guidelines with her exclusive use of personal email for government business while secretary of state.

hillary shocked

The forthcoming inspector general audit, a copy of which was obtained Wednesday by, faults Clinton and her predecessors for poorly managing email and other computer information.

So the IG also looked into previous Secretary’s of State as well? Good. Now Cankles can’t scream “It’s the vast right wing conspiracy!” since both Democrat and Republican SecState’s were investigated.

The report says the department was “slow to recognize and to manage effectively the legal requirements and cybersecurity risks associated with electronic data communications.” It cites “longstanding, systemic weaknesses” related to communications that started before Clinton’s tenure.


I’m not at all surprised about that. The denizens of Foggy Bottom are not known for things like security and obeying the rules. However, Clinton went to a new level in noncompliance.

But the report singles out Clinton’s failures as more serious. The report includes numerous revelations, including that her server was at one point “attacked,” that Clinton declined to be interviewed for the audit and that Clinton never sought approval to use her personal account for government work.

The server was “attacked?” That’s a nice way of saying it was essentially gang raped by every hacker that knew about it. I’m not surprised that Cankles and her minions refused to talk with the IG. This report is in the hands of the FBI, and anything Cankles might have said to the IG, would be used against her by the FBI. The icing on the cake, so to speak, is the fact that Cankles never asked to have this private server. If it hadn’t been for some hackers, no one would have ever known about it or the damage she has done.

The audit comes as Clinton, now the Democratic presidential front-runner, tries to wrap up a grueling primary battle and pivot to a general election fight — the audit could provide her Republican foes with fresh ammunition.


I can see Trump salivating at what he’s going to throw at Hillary Clinton. Of course, it’s possible he may not have to, if she is indicted. As for Cankles? She’s still denying everything.

Clinton campaign spokesman Brian Fallon said in a written statement that her political opponents “are sure to misrepresent this report for their own partisan purposes” but maintained the report shows “how consistent her email practices were with those of other Secretaries and senior officials at the State Department who also used personal email.”

eye roll

I challenge this fool to name ONE former or current Secretary of State who set up a private email server and conducted all her government electronic communications through it. I’ll save numbnuts the trouble. Other than Hillary Rodham Clinton Not ONE Secretary of State did anything this stupid. A few did have some business mail going to outside accounts, such as Google, Yahoo, etc, but they weren’t handling Top Secret SAP files through it.

But while the report said there were many examples of staff using personal accounts for official business, they could only find three cases where officials used non-department accounts “on an exclusive basis for day-to-day operations”: former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Ambassador to Kenya Jonathan Scott Gration and Clinton.

Powell screwed up, but also remember, back when he was SecState, the mail system in place was a joke. Also, I don’t think he tried to destroy the messages either. As to Gration? They started disciplinary actions against him, but he resigned, probably to avoid getting fired.

The report noted that by the time Clinton took the helm of the department, internal guidance was “considerably more detailed and more sophisticated.”


They now understood just how dangerous it is to let government documents go through outside servers. Also, the public records laws were updated to reflect modern document retention. None of this mattered to “Her Royal Highness” in the least.

Yet, the report said, “Secretary Clinton used mobile devices to conduct official business using the personal email account on her private server extensively, as illustrated by the 55,000 pages of material making up the approximately 30,000 emails she provided to the Department in December 2014.” The report said investigators found “no evidence that the Secretary requested or obtained guidance or approval to conduct official business via a personal email account on her private server.”

Demon hillary

Of course not. The rules do not apply to a Clinton.

The report says: “Secretary Clinton should have preserved any Federal records she created and received on her personal account by printing and filing those records … At a minimum, Secretary Clinton should have surrendered all emails dealing with Department business before leaving government service and, because she did not do so, she did not comply with the Department’s policies that were implemented in accordance with the Federal Records Act.”

evil hillary2

And let all those dirty people, not to mention various federal law enforcement agencies, see just how crooked she is? Fat lot of good trying to destroy the evidence did you Cankles. Still, you have your defenders.

Democrats, though, jumped to her defense. Rep. Elijah Cummings, D-Md., top Democrat on the House oversight committee, said in a statement: “The Inspector General confirmed what we have known all along – that Secretary Clinton followed the practice of her predecessor when she used a personal email account. … Republicans need to stop wasting taxpayer dollars singling out Secretary Clinton just because she is running for President.”


Representative Cumming is a disgrace to his office. He is a liar, and proves to America what a lot of people of my political point of view have always known. The modern Democrat Party is utterly, thoroughly corrupt. It will never sanction a major player, such as Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton. It doesn’t matter to them if they committed cold blooded murder. (Not beyond the realm of possibility in the case of the Clintons. Unlikely, but not impossible)

nothing to see here

This report is just one more nail in the Hillary Clinton’s coffin. It’s still up in the air on whether or not the FBI will recommend indictment, and even if they do, whether or not Loretta Lynch will actually have Cankles arrested. Honestly, she should already be making small rocks out of large ones. I know many people who have, or had, top secret security clearances and every single one has said that if they had done a 1/10th of what Hillary Clinton did, they would already be in jail.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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