Precious snowflakes want to ban midterms

Good day all. Now that the school year is coming to a close, the usual suspects are starting their whining. This time we have students from Oberlin College demanding that midterm exams and any grade below a “C” be abolished.

Precious Snowflake

The reasons they give are about what you would expect from a bunch of useless Social Justice Warriors. Here are the details on these twerps from The Week:

Students at Oberlin College are asking the school to put academics on the back burner so they can better turn their attention to activism.

The Stupid

Excuse me? Activism? Then what the Hell are they wasting $65,000.00 a year for? Obviously it isn’t to improve their range of knowledge and skills.

More than 1,300 students at the Midwestern liberal arts college have now signed a petition asking that the college get rid of any grade below a C for the semester, and some students are requesting alternatives to the standard written midterm examination, such as a conversation with a professor in lieu of an essay.


So, I think it’s safe to say that Oberlin has some 1300 really stupid kids who’s future careers will involve saying things like “Would you like whipped cream or milk in your latte?” And that conversation with a professor? I can see it now.

Dude! Like me and my friends, we went down to that fascist pig Trump’s rally and we were like breaking windows to show our solidarity with the working people. Yeah! And then someone burned that liquor store! That will show them one percenters that we mean business! So, do I pass now?”

eye roll

On second thought, considering the general quality of college professors these days, I think forcing them to talk to their students one on one is a great idea. I’m not so sure the professors would agree. The last thing they want to do is actually talk to these young skulls full of manure. Now, as to the reason these blithering idiots want to end midterms?

The students say that between their activism work and their heavy course load, finding success within the usual grading parameters is increasingly difficult. “A lot of us worked alongside community members in Cleveland who were protesting,” Megan Bautista, a co-liaison in Oberlin’s student government, said, referring to the protests surrounding the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice by a police officer in 2014. “But we needed to organize on campus as well — it wasn’t sustainable to keep driving 40 minutes away. A lot of us started suffering academically.”

triple facepalm

Well then you stupid idiot, you’re are going to have to choose now aren’t you? Being a professional Social Justice Warrior or actually studying to prepare yourself for your future in the real world as a productive member of society. As for the college? That overpriced baby sitting service might actually cave in to their demands.

The student activists’ request doesn’t come without precedence: In the 1970s, Oberlin adjusted its grading to accommodate student activists protesting the Vietnam War and the Kent State shootings, The New Yorker reports.

An aside here. I followed the link to the New Yorker article. I wish I hadn’t. If you do, do so on an empty stomach otherwise it will be empty after reading it. All over your keyboard.

But current students contend that same luxury was not granted to them even though the recent Rice protests were over a police shooting that took place just 30 miles east of campus.


“You know, we’re paying for a service. We’re paying for our attendance here. We need to be able to get what we need in a way that we can actually consume it,” student Zakiya Acey told The New Yorker. “Because I’m dealing with having been arrested on campus, or having to deal with the things that my family are going through because of larger systems — having to deal with all of that, I can’t produce the work that they want me to do. But I understand the material, and I can give it to you in different ways.”


Words fail me. What this complete waste of oxygen wants is to be given a degree without actually doing and classwork. I’m sorry, but at $65K a year for this college, and I suspect there’s a fair amount of Taxpayer money here, you damn well better be working your tail off. If all you want is a piece of paper without doing any work, then I would find a nice cheap diploma mill, say on the island of Grenada. It would probably only cost a couple of hundred dollars.

If this were my kid, and I discovered he was doing this crap, I would be on the phone to the college telling them that the next tuition payment would not be forthcoming. Then I would tell “Junior” that he was on his own and that he needed to get a job. Oh, I would also rent out his room.

recovering dumbass

These spoiled brats are going to be so shocked when they leave college and find out that being a Social Justice Warrior doesn’t qualify them for anything other than picking up garbage along the sides of the road. I hope that the next president, (Trump), ends the federal student loan program and forces these precious snowflakes to have to go to a bank for a loan. The looks on their spoiled faces when they’re denied will be priceless. The tears when told the reason will be even better.


“Due to your poor academic history, we are denying you a loan at this time. Protesting the choice of someone’s nail polish instead of getting an “A” in mathematics indicates to us that you will never be in a position to repay the loan. We wish you success in your future career as a horse stall cleaner.”

Works for me!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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4 Responses to Precious snowflakes want to ban midterms

  1. Nohbody says:

    “horse stall cleaner”

    Do they have the skillset for that?

    And what do you have against horses, anyway?

    • Have you ever seen the stalls the Budweiser Clydesdale’s have? Those horses are the most spoiled animals ever. They have at least 3 people waiting for the horse to drop a load and they’re in their cleaning the stall and replacing the wood chips.

      • Nohbody says:

        Can’t say that I have, not having any particular interest in the subject.

        What I was thinking about was inflicting those twats on those poor horses. At the very least, having to listen to the snowflakes whine and moan about things like the smell (I do know at least that much, even as a city boy) and that they have to actually – *gasp* – do physical labor like some filthy prole, which I can’t say I see them actually doing with any particular degree of competence.

        • The horses know how to handle them. A good swift kick. 😉

          I’m a country boy and I’ve mucked out a stall in my day. It will be good for the snowflakes. It will build character. 😀


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