The Panama Papers and Hillary Clinton

Good day all. About a month ago a major story broke called “The Panama Papers.” The basics are simple. Someone got their hands on terabytes of data from a Panamanian law firm that specialized in setting up shell companies.


Since the release of the Panama Papers, several government officials around the world have been forced to step down and other people, both private and public, are being investigated for possible tax evasion. Surprisingly, there were very few, if any Americans involved with this law firm. The thinking has been that they didn’t use or need the services of this law firm or needed to build shell companies off shore.

This included the Clintons, who have their own slush fund called the Clinton Foundation. Without a doubt, the database has been searched extensively for both Cankles and Trump, with no direct results. However, something has come up that should add of the problems of Cankles. One of her big donors name has shown up in the database. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

One of Hillary Clinton’s key supporters – an Israeli billionaire who has donated more than $15 million to her presidential campaign and troubled family foundation – used a controversial Panamanian law firm to set up offshore companies and once admitted to a Senate panel that he used phony investment losses to dodge hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes.

hillary shocked

And who is this person?

Television and entertainment magnate Haim Saban, an Egyptian-born Israeli who made a fortune off of the “Power Rangers” children’s TV franchise and holds a lucrative stake in Univision, is among thousands of international movers and shakers whose names have surfaced in the Panama Papers.

And what is their relationship to the Clinton Crime Family?

Saban and his American-born wife, Cheryl, are well-entrenched in the Clintons’ inner circle. They have donated $3.5 million to Hillary Clinton’s current campaign for president and more than $12 million to the Clinton Foundation, on which Cheryl Saban serves as a board member.


And what do the Clintons say about all this?

For nearly two decades, Haim Saban has been a good friend, a loyal supporter, and trusted advisor to Hillary and me,” Bill Clinton told The New Yorker in 2010.


Hillary Clinton is promising voters that she will “close corporate tax loopholes and make the most fortunate pay their fair share.” Those pledges fly in the face of Saban’s tax avoidance practices.

What? Hillary Clinton is lying? Oh wait, she has the same mindset as the late Leona Helmsley, that mindset being “Taxes are for the little people.” Also rules, regulations and the law.

evil hillary2

Reading through the Fox News article, they go into detail on some of the shady financial dealings this “Friend of Hillary” engaged in.

Months after buying Bezeq, Saban was spotlighted as a tax dodger by the U.S. Senate Committee on Homeland Security’s investigative report called “Tax Haven Abuses: The Enablers, the Tools and Secrecy.”

The report detailed how in 2001, Saban sold his share of the Fox Family cable channel to Disney for a capital gain of $1.5 billion. He signed off on a deal to create $1.46 billion in phony investment losses in order to, as he told the Senate, “save money on taxes.”

triple facepalm

Criminal sanctions followed for Saban’s lawyer and his investment advisors, but Saban testified that he had not read the documents that he had signed.

Thrown under the bus

How nice of his lawyer and advisors to take the rap for him. If this were the Navy, they might have been sanctioned, but the “Captain” would have been keel hauled. Donald Trump has also done everything he could to reduce his tax load and has made no secret of it. However, I doubt very much he went to the lengths the Clintons and their “friends” have to hide money. I wonder how he’s going to use this to hammer “Crooked Hillary?”

Hillary for Prison


~The Angry Webmaster~

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