Bill Kristol on suicide watch?

Good day all. Last week news came out that Donald Trump had mathematically secured the Republican nomination. This happened when a number of unbound delegates announced they would support Trump at the Convention in Cleveland.

Donald Trump

The Never Trump(ers), led by the Weakly Standard’s editor, Bill Kristol, have not handled this announcement very well. Kristol, along with failed former governor and two time failed presidential candidate, Mittens Romney, have been pushing to mount a third party challenge in order to “Stop Trump!” no matter the cost.

Kristol’s hatred of Trump has reached the level of mental illness. He is using his position at the Weakly Standard to “Rally the troops” in order to “Stop Trump!” He is being assisted in his delusions by the staff of the National Review, the other alleged “Conservative” periodical. In his most recent scream for attention, Kristol compared the United States to Argentina.

People keep saying how unusual this year’s presidential race is. They’re wrong. It’s an absolutely normal Third World election.

eye roll

We have three candidates still standing: a self-righteous socialist who’s learned nothing in 50 years except how to rally the economically illiterate and uninformed; an heir to wealth who’s done nothing impressive in 50 years except to hone his skills as a self-promoter and demagogue; and an insider who’s climbed the greasy pole alongside her husband, enriching herself and her family through 50 years of “public service.” Welcome to the United States of Argentina.

Why is Kristol and the other alleged conservatives so angry? Because their preferred choices in the Republican Primary were not only rejected by the base, they were crushed so completely, you couldn’t get them any flatter if you tossed them into a black hole.

Kristol, Charles Krauthammer, George Will and the staff at both the Weakly Standard and the National Review have failed to understand why this happened. They’ve been blaming groups like the Tea Party, pollsters, the Mostly Stupid Media, everyone but who was actually responsible, themselves.

Here’s why Trump won the nomination and why Sanders would have if the Democrats hadn’t rigged their system to give the nod to Cankles the Crooked. Both the Republican Party and the Democrat party are two sides of the same coin. The Government party. Comrade Bernie Sanders only recently joined the Democrats so he could get some support for his run as Party Secretary of the United Soviet Socialist States of America, and Donald Trump has never run for or held political office. In other words, neither one of them is part of the Government party.

This is what the people like Kristol have missed. Americans are furious. The Republican base has complained for years that the legacy of Ronald Reagan was being destroyed by the likes of the Bush Family, and were told to shut up and vote as they were told to. This sentiment is one reason George H.W. Bush ended up as a one term president. As soon as he took office he began the process of dismantling everything Reagan did.

This gave us the Clinton Crime Family. Corrupt as they are, Bill, at least, knew enough not to screw up the economy to much, especially after the Democrats had their heads handed to them in the 1994 midterms. Still, the GOP Establishment blew the 1996 election by putting Bob Dole on the ticket. In 2000, they shoved George W. Bush down our throats, lying that he was a “Reagan Conservative.”

What he was, was a Democrat Lite. He promptly began further expansion of the Federal Government with things like “No Child Left Behind” and other major socialist programs. If it hadn’t been for the 9/11 attack, Bush would have repeated “Daddy’s” success at being a one term president.

In 2008, after Bush’s incompetence and obvious protection of his Wall Street pals, the GOP(e) shoved one of the most notorious RINO’s down the base’s throats, John McCain. McCain decided that he needed someone to placate the base and he selected Governor Sarah Palin as his VP. The base loved her, but the GOP(e) despised her and did all they could to marginalize her. As it was, Palin being on the ticket is the only reason McCain wasn’t defeated by 20 points by Obama.

John McCain

Never being ones to let reality get in the way of their beliefs, the GOP(e) pushed Mittens Romney on the base along with Paul Ryan. The base was not happy until Romney destroyed Obama in the first debate. Suddenly the base perked up and wondered, “Did the RINO’s make a mistake?” No, they didn’t. Mittens promptly moved back from his successful debate and traded his spine in for a bowl of jello.


All this brought is to the impending Trump Nomination and the detonating heads of Bill Kristol and others. After 25 years of lying to the GOP base, the base finally said “Screw you!” and gave Trump the nod. Donald Trump is not a conservative in the way the people like Kristol like to claim they are. Trump is patriotic, puts America first, is actually paying attention to people, and actually has a clue on how the economy works.

He also is quite willing to hit back and hard when he is attacked. In a nation being swamped with political correctness, Trump’s way of just saying what he thinks came across to people as refreshing, He made no apologies for being rich, or in trying to legally pay as little in taxes as he could. He also wasn’t beholding to the GOP(e), and in fact, wants to tell them that “You’re Fired!”


This is what is setting off Kristol and the others. Kristol’s plan now is to have someone run as a third party candidate. He’s gathered a number of others on the Beltway GOP(e) cocktail circuit and are now actively trying to find someone, anyone, who would be stupid enough to run under their banner. According to Bill Kristol:

What is to be done?

I have a few ideas, involving you moving to France.

Resist. Resist the decline of America. Resist an Argentinian future. Resistance can mean lots of things over the next few years. But in the here and now, resistance means finding a serious and credible independent candidate.

Yeah, and how’s that going moron?

Thus David French of National Review wrote eloquently this week urging Mitt Romney to take up the gauntlet. French points out that “at this moment, American voters face a choice between two historically corrupt, dishonest, and incompetent politicians . . . . Given the stakes of the election, to simply leave the race to Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump is to guarantee a terrible presidency marked by incompetence and cronyism.” And so, “There is just hope—however slim—of avoiding this national disaster: America needs a third option.”


Mittens Romney? Really? Granted Romney is just as insane as you are, but he’s already a two time loser. He lost in the Primaries in 2008 and was beaten like an egg in 2012, an election that he should have won.

It would be great if Romney chose to run to provide that third option. It would be great if former vice-presidential candidates Joe Lieberman or Paul Ryan, or former cabinet officials like Mitch Daniels or Condoleezza Rice, or former presidential hopefuls like Marco Rubio or Jeb Bush, or current governors like Nikki Haley or Susana Martinez chose to run. They would all start from positions of relative strength.


First, Joe Lieberman is a Democrat and has retired due to ill health. The voters were sick of him. Marco Rubio or Jeb! Bush? Really? Have you been paying any attention to what happened to those two failures in the last 6 months? Your buddy Bush blew over $150 million dollars and won a total of 4 delegates.

Jeb obama bush

Neither Haley or Martinez want to end their political careers by following you and your fellow nutjobs off a cliff. Condolezza Rice doesn’t want to run for office, unless it’s president of the NFL. Paul Ryan has managed to utterly alienate the GOP Base since he took over the speakership. (Giving Obama everything he wanted was NOT why he was given the gavel) As for Mitch Daniels, Who?

But even as polls show an amazing level of public receptivity to such an independent effort,

What polls? The ones you and the National Review have been taking in your offices?

even as Donald Trump makes his unfitness for office more manifest every time he speaks,

Actually, every time Trump speaks, he says things that people have been craving to hear for decades.

even as Hillary Clinton’s unfitness for office is made more obvious by a report from the Obama administration’s State Department inspector general, even as all this happens

And that report was pretty bad for Crooked Cankles. Still, most people think the fix is in and no matter what the FBI recommends, Clinton will be given a pass.

. . . major public figures may choose not to run.

Because they have no interest in being Kamikaze’s and crashing into the political sea dumbass.

Yet the fact of Trump’s and Clinton’s unfitness for the Oval Office has become so self-evident that it’s no longer clear one needs a famous figure to provide an alternative.

And now we see just how desperate and delusional Kristol has become.

So the alternative to Trump and Clinton could be a not-terribly-well-known but capable congressman like Mike Pompeo or Adam Kinzinger. It could be a respected former senator like Judd Gregg or Mel Martinez. Or the leader of the resistance could turn out to be someone who hasn’t yet held elective office.


Not one of those people has any shot, and to put it bluntly, are complete unknowns. Judd Gregg was the Senator from New Hampshire, but was basically unknown outside of this state. The others? Who are they? What we’re seeing here is the GOP(e) Pundit class seeing their cookie jar being taken away from them and they are throwing a temper tantrum. They have been telling the base to shut up, hold their noses and vote for the RINO. Now, they won’t do it any longer.

chuck Norris

The phony conservatives, the ones who, for decades, have claimed to be the “Party of Reagan” while throwing away everything he stood for, are now being shown the door. Kristol and his pals are so aghast that the “Hoi Polloi” in “Flyover Country” have successfully revolted that they are perfectly willing to hand the election to Hillary Clinton, and that is exactly what will happen if they tried fragmenting the Republican party.

Now, the GOP(e) regulars are realizing that the most important thing now is to Stop Clinton, not Trump. You still have some holdouts, like Paul Ryan, but they are being pressured to get in line. All Kristol is doing is damaging the Weakly Standard.

Eventually, the senior management will have to take Kristol aside and tell him that enough is enough. It’s one thing to argue against someone, but Kristol has gone off the deep end. When President-Elect Trump steps up to take the oath of office, I fully expect to see Bill Kristol on a ledge demanding that Trump be removed or he will jump. Personally, I would be encouraging him to take that final step.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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