How about the Johnson/Weld ticket?

Good day all. In all the screaming for and against Donald Trump, and the “When will Hillary be arrested” yelling, we’ve been remiss in looking at the Libertarian ticket. I decided it was time to take a look.


I’ve known a few Libertarians and I dabbled with the party for a few years, until I came to the conclusion that they would put this country at literal risk of foreign invasion and occupation. They do have a lot of domestic ideas I like, but the more extreme members are positively Anarchist in their ideas to do away with the state.


Be that as it may, they are running someone for president. He is former Governor of New Mexico from 1995 until 2003. I’ll be honest and say I don’t know anything about his tenure. Back in 2012, he ran for the Republican nomination and was rather unsuccessful. About all I remember of it was him was an ad of him driving around the desert on a motorcycle and not much else.

Since then he’s decided to run as a Libertarian and recently chose former Massachusetts governor William Weld to be his Vice President. Unfortunately for them, they are not being received with open arms at the Libertarian convention. Here are a few details from the Washington Times:

Not all Libertarians are on board with former Republican Govs. Gary Johnson and William Weld running together on the party’s presidential ticket.


Mr. Johnson was booed by delegates at the Libertarian Party convention Friday during a preliminary debate after he described Mr. Weld’s candidacy as “beyond my wildest dreams” and called the former Massachusetts governor “the original Libertarian.”


Calling Governor Weld a “The original Libertarian” would be like calling Mother Theresa a secular humanist. Weld was just a standard big government Massachusetts RINO who has been known to take a drink under extreme social pressure. Basically, a Libertarian, big “L’ or small “l” he most certainly is not.

Mr. Johnson’s comments came after Austin Petersen, a consultant who’s also running for the party’s presidential nomination, criticized Mr. Weld for endorsing Republican Mitt Romney in 2012 instead of Mr. Johnson, who was the Libertarian presidential candidate.

Perhaps Gov. Weld could use the excuse that he had ingested a bad ice cube back then and was under the weather?

Since entering the race, however, Mr. Weld has been blasted by Libertarians such as cyber-security entrepreneur John McAfee — who’s also seeking the party’s presidential nod — for his less-than-libertarian stances on issues such as gun rights.

God, Guns and Guts

Weld’s stance is typical of the RINO elite of Massachusetts. It mirrors the Democrat’s stance that only the Democrats Government can have guns.


Libertarians have seen a groundswell of interest and record attendance at their weekend convention in Orlando, Florida, in large part as a result of the high disapproval ratings of the presumptive major-party nominees, Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump.

The Libertarian party has acted as spoilers in several state races, throwing them to the Democrats. I believe the most recent case was Virginia, which was very close. The Libertarian candidate took enough votes from the Republican to give the race to the Democrats, doing the dead opposite of what the Libertarians claim to represent.

“McAfee says Republicans are taking over the Libertarian Party. Yes, they are,” said David Knight of InfoWars in a Friday webcast. “They’re pandering. They want to be looked at as an established party.”


There has always been minor attempts to bring the Libertarians into the GOP. The idea was that the Libertarian and the Conservative Republicans shared the same basic ideas with regards to the size of government and the Constitution. Nothing could be further from the truth.

dead rino

The current GOP was essentially gutted this year with their preferred candidates losing to Donald Trump. One of the reasons is that the RINO’s they put forwards were almost as bad as the Democrats when it came to individual rights. While Trump is not at the level of the traditional Reagan conservative, he’s probably closer than say Jeb! Bush. Another problem with the Libertarians is that they have several different levels to them.

get off my lawn

There is one group that believes in the literal “Original” intent of the constitution. I myself am close to that. They have subgroups that say the 16th Amendment was not properly ratified and that the income tax is illegal. Then there are groups that if they were to come into power, would promptly end all the social programs that day. Again, while I do believe we need to shut down the welfare state, starting a massive crime wave along with civil insurrection is not what I would consider the best way to achieve it.


Then you have those who don’t believe in secure borders or limiting immigration. They usually tie in with those who think we should abolish the military completely. They have the idea that we could raise an army if we were invaded to defend ourselves.

eye roll

Then you have the more extreme groups that want to abolish government entirely. They want to have a direct democracy instead of the Republican form of government we now have. That is certainly not constitutional at the federal level and is also a great way to get a “Dictatorship of the majority.” Direct democracy can be summed up as “two wolves and a sheep deciding what’s for dinner.”


Neither Johnson or Weld meet any of the criteria of the Libertarian party. From what I’ve been seeing here and there, Johnson’s ideas would fit in perfectly in many cases with the Democrats platform. Weld is long past his “Sell by” date and hasn’t had an original idea in years, if ever. The only thing going for the two of them is that they both have experience governing states. The problem is, people have had enough of “Professional politicians and their experience.”

don't confuse

As things firm up in the next few months and we get close to the November Election, the Libertarians will, as usual, have their purity tests and drive out anyone they see as “Impure” to the beliefs of the Libertarian base. The people taking a look at them will also see that their platforms, which at first glance, appear to be good, are actually pretty bad, especially in the realm of defence. Then they will move back and vote for Trump or Crooked Cankles. (Unless she is indicted and forced out)


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to How about the Johnson/Weld ticket?

  1. VonZorch says:

    The LP just shot itself in the head, again.


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