Democrats threaten Comrade Bernie

Good day all. Lest we forget, there is still a bit of a race going on for the Democrat Nomination. Granted, thanks to the rigging done by the Democrat Establishment, it’s all but over for Comrade Bernie, but he plans to go down fighting.


And that’s one of the problems for the Democrats. The Nevada Democrat convention almost had a full blown riot with Comrade Bernie’s supporters looking a lot like an old KKK lynch mob without the hoods and burning cross. Now the Democrat Senators are threatening Comrade Bernie if he doesn’t reign in his supporters. Here are some of the details from The Daily Beast:

Bernie Sanders has proven he can fill a stadium with adoring fans, but Democrats say he risks being ostracized by members of his own party when he returns to the Senate unless he can rein in his supporters soon.

Well there Skippy, you have a small problem. Comrade Bernie is a Democrat of Convenience, not a dyed in the wool Democrat ass donkey.

Typical Democrat Voter

While Sanders’s young and energetic base is something the Democratic Party desperately wants to co-opt in the general election, senior Democrats want Vermont’s junior senator to harness that anger and point it at Donald Trump. Anything less, they say, and Sanders risks coming back to the Senate alienated from his colleagues.


The violence that erupted at the Democratic convention in Nevada last weekend, with chairs being thrown, followed up by threats of violence and vulgar, sexist insults being hurled at Democratic leaders by ardent Sanders supporters, was a wake-up call for many in the Democratic Party.

Wake up call? More like an Acid Flashback from the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago, only this time they aren’t the ones throwing the rocks, bricks and fire bombs.

California Sen. Barbara Boxer was at the mic for Hillary Clinton when the now infamous convention erupted. She’s a four-term senator, who defeated former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina in her last reelection, so she’s not Pollyannaish. Still, she says when she talked to Sanders on Tuesday she told him to never let his supporters do that again.

I told him that what happened to me was very alarming, disturbing and that he needed to really get control of the situation,” Sen. Boxer told The Daily Beast. “He said he was distressed about it and expressed chagrin about it.”

full retard

And Comrade Bernie’s response?

Later, when Sanders sent out a press release on the affair, he doubled down, accusing the Nevada Democratic Party of being in the pro-Hillary camp. Democrats in the Senate didn’t like the sound of that, because they think it’s time for the party to heal, not throw more blows.


I don’t think it strengthens democracy or it reflects well on the Democratic Party for us to stoop to the level of Mr. Trump, who has made this presidential campaign in his party all about needlessly, personal attacks,” said Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE).

Since when does the Democrat Party have any belief in democracy? Oh wait, they don’t! This is why you’re having all these problems right now.

When asked by The Daily Beast whether Sanders will be ostracized by his Democratic colleagues when he returns to the Senate if the primary ends bitterly, Coons matter of factly told The Daily Beast, “Yes.

When asked if Sanders risked alienating his fellow senators if the vitriol continues to rise, he again responded, “Yes.”


Here’s the problem. Comrade Bernie only caucuses with the Democrat party. He signed up with them only so he could get some of the resources from the DNC to mount a campaign. The only problem is that it was long ago decided that it was Hillary Clinton’s turn to be president, and that meant that the entire primary season for the Democrats was meant to be nothing more than a sham vote that would lead to Cankles coronation. The problem here is the Democrats didn’t expect Comrade Bernie to do as well as he has.

That has led to a problem. Comrade Bernie’s mathematically challenged supporters will not be denied. They are demanding that he be appointed President so he can give them all sorts of Free Stuff. Since Comrade Bernie thinks he knows how to institute a true socialist workers paradise, he’s fine with his supporters burning Philadelphia to the ground.

Other Democrats are highlighting that Sanders, much like Trump on the Republican side of the aisle, is a new addition to the party. They say they let him into their exclusive playground and that a rule for admission is no sand throwing from him or his supporters.


You know he’s been an Independent, we welcomed him, but now that he’s finally gotten around to becoming a member of the Democratic Party, you sign up for the rules and we want Bernie to go by the rules that he’s signed up for,” Sen. Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) told The Daily Beast. “That is up to him, to get his supporters to calm down. Bernie has to be in charge of what he, himself has unleashed.”


Comrade Bernie’s answer to the Senate Democrats can be boiled down to one word. “Why?” We have watched both parties play games with who the Establishments wanted. On the Republican side, it was Jeb? Bush. When he torched all his campaign funds and flamed out, they moved on to Marco Rubio, Chris Christie and John Kasich , all of whom failed miserably. The GOP(e) was, and is, so beside themselves over Trump that they are still trying to figure out a way to stop his nomination. Their problem is, Trump won fair and square in spite of the RINO’s attempts to stop him.


On the Democrat side, we have watched Comrade Bernie win election after election, only to see the delegates awarded to Hillary Clinton. Then we learned about the Democrat “Super Delegates” and how they were really meant to be the ones to choose the nominee. Since it was long ago decided that the nominee would be Cankles, they all lined up behind her.

evil hillary2

There is still one vote that hasn’t been counted yet for Comrade Bernie. That one is from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. They have spent the last year digging into Clinton’s mishandling of top secret information, destruction of evidence, conspiracy, public corruption and all sorts of things that should already have her locked up in Club Fed. The final report on whether or not to charge Cankles is long overdue, and if it comes back as “Arrest the Cankled One!” well then, the Democrats will need to find a replacement, and that would be Comrade Bernie.

Hillary for Prison

Since the Democrats know that in the General Election, Trump will destroy Comrade Bernie, they will put someone else in his place, probably Slow Joe Biden.


If that should happen, Bernie’s supporters will burn Philadelphia to the ground. There is already a better than even chance that the Berniebots will tear things up anyway when he is not given the nomination, and cut out of convention all together.

Rome burning

Recently, I was in a private discussion with someone regarding going to both conventions and filming the chaos as well as conducting “Rioter on the Street” interviews. Due to my current circumstances, I had to beg off, but offered to do what I could on the back end. The person hasn’t decided if he is going to proceed or not. One thing he will need is financing and he may start a kickstarter project to pay for things like travel, lodgings, camera and recording gear, gas masks, spare filters and body armor. I’ll let you know if he decides to proceed and where you can send donations.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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