War Criminal? Go to work for the Dulles Airport!

Good day all. We have yet another instance of Our Government, Working hard to protect us by hiring a suspected war criminal.


Yes, they gave a job as a security guard to someone suspected of slaughtering all sorts of people. Here are the details from Fox News:

A Somali man accused of leading mass executions and torturing people during the country’s bloody civil war in the 1980s has been quietly working as a security guard at a Washington, D.C., airport for the past six years – all while passing FBI and TSA checks. Yusuf Abdi Ali, who is living in Alexandria, Va., is an employee at the Dulles International Airport, the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority confirmed to Fox 5 on Wednesday.


The airport authority also said they are aware that Ali – who is now on administrative leave — was named in a lawsuit filed by a human rights group in 2006 for crimes against humanity. The case has had numerous appeals and is now destined for the Supreme Court, CNN reported.

So they knew this clown was suspected of mass murder and the STILL hired him? Never mind that, how did this clown even get into the country in the first place?

“The Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority maintains a contract with Master Security to provide unarmed security services,” said Rob Yingling, a spokesperson.

At least he doesn’t have a gun!

Master Security’s employees are subject to the full, federally mandated vetting process in order to be approved for an airport badge, including a criminal history records check by the FBI and a security threat assessment by the TSA.


Yingling said the authority has “verified that all of these processes were followed and approved in this instance.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

We have been informed by Master Security, which hired Mr. Ali, that he has been placed on administrative leave, and as a result his access to the airport has been withdrawn,” he added.

triple facepalm

Needless to say, he is denying everything.

Ali denies the accusations in the lawsuit, telling CNN that they are “baseless” and “false.”

“How dare anyone call him a war criminal,” added his lawyer, Joseph Peter Drennan. “If he is indeed a war criminal, take him to The Hague. Or if he is a war criminal, take it up with the immigration authorities. Don’t sue him in an American court… My client deserves to live in the U.S. just as any other legal permanent resident.”

Yeah, about that legal status.

Ali entered the country on a visa through his wife, who became a U.S. citizen. She was found guilty of naturalization fraud in 2006 after claiming she was a refugee from the same Somalia clan Ali is accused of targeting.


About all I will say on this guy’s immigration, is this one can’t be blamed on Der Fubar. No, this one goes to George W. Bush, yet another big government, open borders kind of guy. As to Ali, we’ll leave him to the legal system. If he did what they claim he did, well, he can always go back to Somalia to skip out on the judgements.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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