More Islamic terrorism in Germany

Good day all. I have a feeling that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is looking to rebuild a certain bunker in Berlin these days. Thanks to her policies, Germany is seeing a wave of violence and terrorism it hasn’t seen since the war.


Last night there was yet another terrorist attack from a follower of the “Religion of Peace,” (My Ass). This one was a suicide bomber who managed to kill himself. Unfortunately, he injured a dozen other people. Even better, he was a Syrian refugee. Here are the details from Fox News:

A Syrian man who failed to get asylum in Germany pledged allegiance to the head of the Islamic State terror group in a video before he blew himself up near an open-air music festival in southern Germany, wounding 12 other people, Bavaria’s top security official announced Monday.


According to an initial translation of the Arabic-language video found on the bomber’s phone, the 27-year-old man announced a “revenge” attack against Germany, according to the official, Joachim Herrmann. He told reporters the video strongly suggested the bombing was a “terrorist attack.”


Gee, ya think?

Herrmann said bomb-making material and a series of violent videos on storage devices turned up at the unnamed attacker’s home.


And it gets better. This slime ball was denied refugee status but wasn’t deported.

Government officials had ordered to deport the man not once, but twice. He was most recently told July 13 that he would be deported to Bulgaria, spokesman for Germany’s interior ministry Tobias Plate told reporters. He said the first deportation notice was issued on Dec. 22, 2014.

triple facepalm

The bomber was to be deported to Bulgaria because he had submitted his first asylum request in that country, Plate added. He said Syrians can’t be deported directly to Syria because of the situation there.

Sure he could. All you would have been doing is sending him back t his ISIS buddies.

The bomber had repeatedly received psychiatric treatment, including twice for attempted suicide, authorities said. Police said the attacker had also been known for drug possession.

And now the excuses begin. The German High Command, Government has been bending over backwards to avoid the phrase “Islamic Terrorism”, especially in regards to all the Islamic terrorists they’ve been letting in over the last year or so.

“My personal view is that I unfortunately think it’s very likely this really was an Islamist suicide attack,” Bavarian interior minister Joachim Herrmann told German news agency dpa.

Whoops! Someone didn’t get the memo apparently. No thanks to the Merkel government, the Germans were lucky this time.

Police spokeswoman Elke Schoenwald said he was refused entry to the concert because he didn’t have a ticket. He then sat down on a chair outside the nearby restaurant. According to witness accounts he briefly leaned forward at 10:10 p.m. and then triggered the explosion.

Someone forgot to read the Terrorist handbook. When you plan to blow yourself up in a venue, make sure you have a ticket to get in. Obviously, this guy attended the same suicide bomber school as Achmed, the Dead Terrorist.

The European nations have pretty much ended themselves, with Germany leading the way. They threw open their borders and have let literally millions of Arab Muslim in who have no intention of assimilating. Thanks to the idiocies of the European Union, and Angela Merkel, hundreds of people have been killed and wounded this year alone. If the governments don’t do something, the new governments will.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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