Democrats hate border fences…

Unless it’s around the Democrat Convention. Good day all. With all the fun and games going on in Philadelphia, one of the things that has slipped under the radar is a large fence that surrounds the entire Democrat Convention venue

get off my lawn

The purpose of this fence, officially, is to provide a secure environment for the delegates. The reality is a bit different. It’s to keep the serfs and hoi polloi away from their betters. Here are a few details from an article written last month in NewsMax:

Hillary Clinton may be against Donald Trump’s proposal to build a wall along America’s southern border, but a temporary wall will be constructed around the venue hosting next month’s Democratic National Convention — where Clinton is expected to earn the presidential nomination.

The wall, according to NBC Philadelphia, will be raised for security reasons. The station reports the fencing will enclose the Wells Fargo Center, in which the convention will take place, along with the nearby Xfinity Live! venue.

That’s the public excuse of course, and now, thanks to Wikileaks, and the proof that the Hillary Clinton and the DNC conspired to destroy Bernie Sanders campaign, might now actually have a bit of truth to it. The Bernbots look to be in a lynching frame of mind.

Also, in keeping with Hillary’s desire to protect the 1st Amendment rights of free speech, they have also set up areas where people will be allowed the privilege of exercising their 1st Amendment rights of…free speech. Far away from the Democrat rulers so they wont’ be bothered.

A protest zone will be set up in FDR Park, which is close to the Wells Fargo Center but will be outside of the security walls.

“The perimeter will not be any bigger than it needs to be,” Henry said.

In other words, if they could have gotten away with it, there would be no protests allowed whatsoever. How democratic of the Democrats. Hopping over to the American Mirror, the sarcasm is just dripping.

The DNC has erected a four-mile fence around its convention site at Philadelphia’s Wells Fargo Center. (Isn’t it ironic they’re doing so much to protect a site named after a bank?)

That’s probably where Cankles keeps her bribes donations to the Clinton slush fund Foundation.

The fence, which appears to be about 8 feet tall, is intended to keep out any individuals with whom Democratic Party leaders, delegates and other liberal elites would rather not mingle.


Yes, it just wouldn’t do to have those “people” lurking around. Who knows what kinds of diseases they have? Actually, a lot of them are suffering from Hillaroids, Clintonitus, and for any female protestors who recently met with Bill Clinton, a nice dose of the Clap.

The whole Democrat convention is off to a nice, rocky start. They have packed the convention with nothing but elitist Wall Street and Washington insiders, the very same people that were rejected by the Republicans and not a few members of the Democrat party last winter.

However, the Democrats have long believed in direct rule by the elites, and with Bernie Sanders being shafted without lube, well, now you can see why they want a fence. If they could have had mine fields and guard towers with machine guns, the Democrats would have set them up as well. This is going to be an interesting week in Philadelphia.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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