Bernbots going full #DemExit

Good day all. To say that the supporters of Bernie Sanders are unhappy with the Democrat party would be like saying the Titanic hit a small ice cube and sprung a leak. They are not a bunch of happy stoners.

Barking Moonbat

Bernie Sanders has announced he’s leaving the Democrat party and rejoining the CPUSA becoming independent again. As for “Bernie’s Kids?” They’re moving from the Democrat party in droves. Here are a few details from Fox News:

Despite the Democratic Party’s robust efforts this week to put forward a show of unity at their Philadelphia convention – including bringing Hillary Clinton onstage Wednesday night for a handoff hug from President Obama – a rowdy swath of disaffected voters is making clear the theatrics haven’t healed the fractured base.

I wrote earlier about that “Hand off.” A better title would be “I’m Obama! Gotta love me!” That speech, and I still haven’t watched it, did nothing to fix the issues caused by the Democrat National Committee when they rigged the primaries.

Anti-Clinton and other demonstrators are moving forward Thursday with at least one protest, and holding events encouraging voters to “de-register” from the party.

Personally, I’m still hoping for a remake of the Chicago protests of 1968.

They’re operating in part under the Twitter hashtag #DemExit, one that Green Party candidate Jill Stein has deftly been using as she openly appeals to Sanders supporters to join her team outside the Philly convention arena.

DNC wants your support for lying, undermining, and insulting you. They’ll lock you out if you don’t comply. #DemExit,” Stein tweeted.

And we too, like Cave In Bernie, will give you all free stuff!

Stein has proven to be a chief agitator, as Bernie Sanders himself rejoins the fold and urges Democrats to get behind Clinton’s campaign.

Hence the new nickname, “Cave In Bernie.”

For many in the Sanders crowd, Stein is a far more natural fit than Donald Trump, the Republican nominee also making a play for disaffected Sanders voters.

Trump is going after the Bernbots, although he knows he won’t get all that many. One issue is that he won’t give them free stuff. He expects them to, you know, get jobs, earn money and pay taxes.


Leonardo Watson of Georgia told that while not every aspect of the Green Party syncs with his own views, it’s a better match than Clinton.

Look, Clinton’s not an option. It’s not about party unity. It’s about standing up for yourself and what you believe in — and right now, with Bernie out, that’s Jill Stein.”

Precious Snowflake

I’ll be honest, I don’t know to much about Jill Stein, so, I went off to her web site. I’ll just read her platform and…ummm, uh huh, mmmm, yeah. I don’t think so Tim. This is just the usual moonbat communist bilge that has been so successful in turning prosperous nations, (Venezuela), into complete economic basket cases. One part I like is the “Protect voters’ rights by establishing a constitutional right to vote.”


Stein might try reading the Constitution. There is already a constitutional right to vote. Oh! I get it! She wants to give non-Americans the right to vote. Then there is all the usual drivel that if actually enacted, would pretty much end the United States.

So, what would I recommend? Forget Stein. She is a total moron. Don’t waste your time with the Libertine Libertarian party. Johnson and Weld? Yeah, I don’t think so. They, like Stein, and Clinton want to throw open the borders. So what’s the answer? I’m starting the new hashtag #JoinTrump. A vote for Trump is a vote against Hillary, against the cronyism of the Democrats who will do anything to win, including rigging elections. (Just ask Cave In Bernie) Come to the dark side! We have cookies and ice cream!

Donald Trump


~The Angry Webmaster~

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