Der Fubar hands off to Cankles

Good day all. Hopefully I won’t be posting as much today as yesterday. Last night, the SCoaMF, Barrack Hussein Obama, gave a speech at the Democrat Convention singing the praises of…Barack Obama?

Obama propaganda poster

The speech was billed as the “Hand off” to Hillary Clinton, yet in the speech, Obama referred to himself 119 times. Here are a few details from

Addressing the Democratic National Convention on its penultimate night to lay out the case for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, President Obama began by recalling his political debut at the 2004 Democratic National Convention.

He then described how his family has become so well known to America in the intervening years. He spoke of his time in office, how the presidency has physically aged him, but how his daughters euphemistically note he now looks more “mature.”

So far, a retrospective on the most incompetent presidency ever.

He spoke of everything he is proud to have achieved – passing ObamaCare,


Translation: He’s proud of ramming Obamacare down the throats of Americans, lying about what it would do and is now skipping off into the sunset as it collapses completely. Check!

expanding clean energy production,

You mean by subsidizing at great expense all those failed green energy projects like Solyndra?

reducing consumption of foreign oil,

Excuse me? You’ve done everything you could to shut down domestic energy production. That we’re producing so much oil is due to the private sector being able to get around your stupidity.

passing the Iran deal,

nuclear blast

Do you really want to take credit for allowing Iran to get nuclear weapons? That “deal” is a disaster looking for a place to happen.

bringing troops home,


And allowing the rise of ISIS, the collapse of the Middle East into anarchy, the export of Islamic Terrorism worldwide. Oh, and sending the troops back in due to your stuttering incompetence.

killing bin Laden.

Like you had a choice? Once it was known we had him in our sights, and if you had allowed him to get away, the bill of impeachment would have been sent to the floor within hours, and not even the Democrats could have saved you this time.

He spoke of how inspired he’s become meeting Americans of all stripes.

You mean like these people?

[youtuber youtube=’’]

He spoke of his optimism.

Obama putting

Still optimistic about breaking par?

He spoke of the values he imparted from his family.

That you are all part of the privileged elite and that the world owes you a living?

If it’s starting to sound like Obama talked a lot about himself, that’s because he did.


In total, we counted 119 times Obama referred to himself during his speech ostensibly about Hillary Clinton.


Once an ego-maniacal narcissist, always an ego-maniacal narcissist. I did a quick search on how many times he mentioned Hillary Clinton. I came up empty.

hillary shocked

People are calling the election of Cankles as Obama’s third term. That isn’t quite accurate. Cankles doesn’t quite have the ego of King Putt. What she is, is a self centered, psychopathic, greedy harpy.


Obama is always doing something that makes him feel good. Hillary always does things to enrich herself and increase her power. A slight difference to be sure, but it’s there.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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