A subtle hint to EU Refugees?

Good day all, 70 years ago, the Allied forces shot their way into Germany and Poland and found one of the most evil things in history. The Nazi concentration and extermination camps. Those camps are now kept as museums and memorials to a past that must never be repeated.

hilter salute

So who had the bright idea to use a couple of these camps as refugee centers for the masses of Muslims currently invading western Europe?


Here are the details from The Washington Post:

On Tuesday, the world remembered the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Nazi death camp Auschwitz. The same day, the German city of Augsburg decided to turn a branch of the former concentration camp at Dachau into a refugee center. The asylum seekers were slated to live in a building where thousands of slave laborers suffered and died under the Nazi regime.


My late father was a soldier in the United State Army in World War 2 in Europe. When the camps were liberated and the Allied commanders understood what the Nazi’s had done, General Eisenhower ordered every soldier who could be spared to be sent through the camps. My father was sent to see Dachau a few days after it was liberated. He never forgot what he saw and he made sure that his children and grand children knew what had happened.


The Dachau outpost is not the only concentration camp site that is being turned into a refugee center in Germany. In the middle of January, the German city of Schwerte started to move asylum-seekers who had volunteered to be relocated into a branch of the former Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald.


Regional integration secretary Guntram Schneider had previously criticized the plan, saying that the city’s intentions would be misunderstood abroad.


Gee, you think?

Birgit Naujoks, a representative of a local council of asylum-seekers, voiced similar skepticism about such projects, speaking to The Washington Post on Friday: “Generally, the use of former concentration camp compounds as refugee centers awakens associations with the site’s Nazi-era [use], where people were forcefully herded together,” she said.

Not just herded together dimbulb, but also used for slave labor and then exterminated.

She added, however, that the refugees living at the former concentration camp compound in Schwerte were so far happy with their accommodations, despite its history. “They say that they have much more space there compared to the building they had previously lived in,” Naujoks said.

Not to mention that these “refugees” are Muslims, and Muslims hate Jews. In their minds, they’re “dancing on the graves of their enemies.” So, that’s two strikes against the idiots who dreamed this up. Needless to say, there are some who are trying to “Put lipstick on a pg” with regards to this idea.

According to the paper, local Augsburg politicians welcomed the proposal, saying that turning the former barracks into a refugee center would make it a “better memorial site than a museum would be.” Antje Seubert, a representative of the Green party, celebrated the decision as a “victory over fascism.”


Uh huh, and I have a bridge over the Rhine I’d like to sell you numbnuts. Considering all the criminal activities and outright terrorist attacks now occurring in Europe, there are plenty of people who might be thinking that reactivating those camps for their original purposes might not be such a bad idea. (I’m NOT one of them) Germany really needs to rethink this plan. It’s an insult to the memory of the 12 million men, women and children, (6 million of them Jews), butchered by Hitler and the Nazis.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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