Parents of two of Clinton’s victims sue

Good day all. I saw this story the other day and as expected, the Mostly Stupid Media buried it with the rest of Cankles victims. Basically, the parents of two people killed in Benghazi are suing Hillary Clinton.

hillary shocked

Now you would think that as Secretary of State, Cankles has some form of immunity over causing the deaths of 4 people. It seems that the family members of those killed aren’t suing Cankles for her antics as Secretary of State, but for things she said and did after she left the Government gravy train. Here are some of the details from NBC News:

The parents of two Americans killed in the 2012 terrorist attacks on U.S. diplomatic facilities in Benghazi, Libya, filed a wrongful death lawsuit in federal court Monday against Hillary Clinton. In the suit, Patricia Smith and Charles Woods, the parents of Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods, claim that Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server contributed to the attacks. They also accuse her of defaming them in public statements.

Personally, I can’t see how Clinton’s hacked mail server aided the terrorists who murdered Mr.’s Smith and Woods. The defamation case? That I can see going forward.

“The Benghazi attack was directly and proximately caused, at a minimum by defendant Clinton’s ‘extreme carelessness’ in handling confidential and classified information,” such as the location of State Department employees in Libya, the lawsuit said.

evil hillary2

Well, so far they are accurate. Cankles lack of concern for anyone other than herself is now legendary. Still, can’t see a case here yet.

While no such connection has ever been established, their lawsuit called it “highly probable” that Clinton sent and received information about the activities of U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens. Such information, the lawsuit claimed, “easily found its way to foreign powers” and was then obtained by Islamic terrorists.


Again, much as it pains me, I still don’t see a case here.

The two parents also said when Secretary Clinton met with them after their children were killed, she said that a controversial YouTube video was the motivation for the attacks. But they said that in later interviews she denied making such a statement and implied that the recollection of the parents was incorrect.

And now here we may have something. The attacks against the families of those murdered by Cankles and her minions is well known, at least to those who don’t follow only the Mostly Stupid Media. We also know that Hillary Clinton is a pathological liar and will do whatever it takes to destroy anyone who she deems an enemy. (Which is pretty much anyone not named “Hillary Clinton”)


Unfortunately, and I’ll let those with legal educations correct me, I don’t see how this case has any hope of success. I want it to succeed, but if it even looks like it might, I fear that the families involved in this will suffer a tragic accident. I do wish them the best of luck and I hope they succeed and nail Cankles hide to the side of a barn.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Parents of two of Clinton’s victims sue

  1. VonZorch Imperial Reseacher says:

    If this case gets any traction I foresee some tragic “accidents” or “suicides” among the plaintiffs.


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