Bolton for Secretary of State?

Good day all. Yesterday Donald Trump was on the Hugh Hewitt show when the question of who would Trump name as Secretary of state? The name of former UN Ambassador John Bolton came up and many people sat up and took notice.

Donald Trump

Ambassador John Bolton has come across as the exact opposite of the usual run of weaselly corrupt Eurotrash worshiping diplomats we have been suffering under. To begin with, he understands how the world works and has no intention of bowing to our enemies. Trump was reticent on committing to anyone for Secretary of State, and for good reason, but he did not rule out Ambassador Bolton. Here are some of the details from Breitbart:

Donald Trump spoke Thursday on the “Hugh Hewitt Show” about his secretary of state selection, naming former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton as his potential secretary of state. Trump was reluctant to name anybody now because of the heavy scrutiny they could face. Hewitt then asked about Bolton, and the GOP presidential nominee said he is a serious contender.

I think John Bolton’s a good man,” Trump replied. “I watched him yesterday, actually, and he was very good in defending me in some of my views, and very, very strong. And I’ve always liked John Bolton. Well, we are thinking about it, Hugh. I will say that. We are thinking about it. I mean, the negative is what I told you. But we are seriously thinking about it.”


If Trump wins and appoints John Bolton as Secretary of State, a number of things will happen. Many heads on the Left side of the political fence will go POP! Also, there are a fair number of heads on the Rino side of the fence that would also go POP! In fact, I have a simulation of what just might happen.

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Donald Trump is radically different from the incompetent socialist and Islam supporting idiot, Barack Obama, and his two former and current Secretaries of State, John “Kaptain Ketchup” Kerry and Hillary “I’ll sell out anything for a buck” Clinton. The people he’s either already lined up as advisers or is looking at for cabinet positions are some very bright people who have generally managed to piss off the GOP(e). It also shows that Trump is not going to be a micromanaging power tripping freak like Cankles Clinton who will only be out for herself.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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