NeverTrumpers to RNC: Stop funding Trump!

Good day all. The Rinos4Hillary and the Never Trump(ers) are still doing everything they can to lose this election for the Republican Party. Now they are sending a letter to Wash, Reince, Repeat Priebus demanding that he cut off all funds for the Trump campaign.


Their so called reasoning is that there is no way Trump can win so it would be better to spend the money on House and Senate races. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Dozens of Republicans – including ex-lawmakers and former party staffers – have signed a letter urging Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus to “suspend” funding for Donald Trump’s campaign and divert all resources to congressional races, in the latest rebuke of the nominee from inside the party.

triple facepalm

The letter, which is in draft form and expected to be sent next week, urges Priebus to focus RNC resources on saving the Republican majority in the House and Senate – effectively casting Trump’s campaign as a lost cause dragging congressional candidates down.

Given the catastrophic impact that Donald Trump’s losing presidential campaign will have on down-ballot Senate and House races, we urge you to immediately suspend all discretionary RNC support for Trump and focus the entirety of the RNC’s available resources on preserving the GOP’s congressional majorities,” the letter says.


These NeoCon scum are still furious that their preferred Rino candidates were so badly rejected by the GOP base. The conventions only ended a couple of weeks ago and we haven’t even had any debates yet. These Globalist One Worlders can’t conceive that the GOP base might have decided that the GOP(e) are a pack of morons who have done serious damage to our nation. The letter, (which hasn’t been released yet as far as I know), lists their “Reasons” why the RNC should Dump Trump.

The letter, obtained by Fox News, cites a litany of complaints ranging from his controversial comments on the trail to his suggestion he might balk on NATO treaty obligations to his refusal to release his tax returns.


To date, however, Priebus has stuck by his public support for the nominee. He delivered a full-throated endorsement at last month’s Republican National Convention, where he declared: “With Donald Trump and Mike Pence, America is ready for a comeback after almost a decade of Clinton-Obama failures.”

Wash, Reince, Repeat Priebus is no Debbie Wassername Schultz. He kept the RNC neutral during the campaign and when Trump won the Primaries, (No thanks to the Rinos4Hillary and NeverTrumpers), he moved to give the RNC’s full backing to him. This has really ticked off the GOP(e), since they know that Trump will toss them aside like last week’s coffee.

Dozens of Republicans – including ex-lawmakers and former party staffers – have signed a letter urging Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus to “suspend” funding for Donald Trump’s campaign and divert all resources to congressional races, in the latest rebuke of the nominee from inside the party.

I haven’t been able to find the list of Rinos4Hillary who have signed this letter, but a few names have come out.

Fifty former security and diplomatic officials from Republican administrations signed a letter earlier this week opposing Trump, while other prominent Republicans have either come out against him or gone a step further and endorsed Hillary Clinton.

Trumps response to that letter by all the “Security experts”?

His response torches the letter that tried its fucking best to torch him, saying “They’re nothing more than failed national elites looking to hold on to their power,” and “it’s time to put out foot down and declare the gravy train over.”

Donald Trump

This is why the Elite’s are so terrified of Trump. With Hillary Clinton, they know that they will still be on the inside, even if it isn’t at the level it would be if the president was a Republican. With Trump, they are going to be locked outside in the cold, with blizzard like snow coming down on them.

One of those figures was former Connecticut Rep. Chris Shays, who also signed the forthcoming letter. Other co-signers include former New Hampshire Sen. Gordon Humphrey; former Missouri Rep. Tom Coleman; former RNC communications director B. Jay Cooper; and former RNC chief digital strategist Mindy Finn.

Gordon Humphrey is a total and complete has been. I voted for him when he was running. Now? He is just another Rino insider. As to the others? All of them are typical slightly less big government statists. As for Trump’s response to this latest attempt by the GOP(e) to sabotage his campaign?

Trump has brushed off the intra-party tensions. After the security-official letter went public, he said those officials “are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place.”

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There is a reason the Republican Establishment so detests Donald Trump. He isn’t “One of them.” He pays attention to the people in the GOP Base that the GOP(e) ignores. He, unlike these losers, believes in America, in American Exceptionalism and if elected, will try to fix the problems caused by the likes of those who are firmly in the Rinos4Hillary camp.

If Trump wins, they lose and they simply can’t have that. Better a corrupt pathological liar and probable murdering psychopath then someone who will ignore what they have to say. Basically, it’s all coming down to money. Trump WILL shut off the flow of taxpayer dollars to all those think tanks and lobbyists.



~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to NeverTrumpers to RNC: Stop funding Trump!

  1. VonZorch Imperial Reseacher says:

    Everyone mentioned as a signer is a has-been, I expect the rest of them are has-beens too.


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