Reince Priebus goes full Trump

Good day all. As you are probably aware, the NeverTrump and Rinos4Hillary have mounted a full assault against Donald Trump. They hate him so much, that they are perfectly fine with anything up to and including a complete Democrat sweep in November.


These jerks have recently started to demand that the RNC stop supporting Donald Trump by cutting off any RNC funding for him. The head of the Republican National Convention, Reince Prebius has finally had enough of these fake Republicans. Yesterday, Prebius went to a Trump rally in Pennsylvania and gave a great introduction for The Donald. Here are some of the details from NewsMax:

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus Friday introduced Donald Trump at a rally in Pennsylvania — extolling him as “the next president of the United States” and telling supporters “don’t believe the garbage you read” about unity problems within the party.

And that was a major slam against the Rinos4Hillary if I ever saw one.

“We’re so honored to be working with Donald Trump and the campaign,” Priebus told about 9,000 people at the Erie Insurance Arena in Erie, Pa. “They raised $82 million in July to beat Hillary Clinton.

And that is a nice piece of change.

“Don’t believe the garbage you read,” he continued. “Donald Trump, the Republican Party, all of you — we’re going to put him in the White House and save this country together.

“This man is going to win. He’s going to save our country. He’s going to put us back to work again. Put more money in people’s pockets.”


Priebus said that this election amounted to “a battle for freedom. That’s why we’re here.

“It’s the same battle that James Madison affirmed in the Bill of Rights. The same battle that founded our country. It’s the same battle we’re here today to fight.

“Donald Trump is going to protect us, protect this country. Secure our border.”


And now you are seeing yet another dig at the GOP(e). The last thing these people want is a secured border. They want an open border because it provides them with cheap labor. They don’t care that all these illegals are bringing in diseases we haven’t seen here in a century, that crime caused by them is increasing and that cities and states are being bankrupted providing welfare to them.

The chairman then slammed Democrat Hillary Clinton, who “has a problem with lying.


“She lied and she lied over and over and over again.

“She lied when she said she turned over those work-related emails. She lied when she said that nothing in these emails were confidential. She lied when she said she only had one device.”

From what I’ve been seeing, the fact that the head of the Republican National Committee came out for the nominee in such a manner is unprecedented. If this is accurate, then the only reason is to shut down the NeverTrumper(ers) and Rinos4Hillary crowd. Preibus’s primary goal is to secure the White House for the Republicans and to maintain control of the House and Senate.

Ronald Reagan, the great Liberator

I suspect that Preibus is also aware of what happened back in 1964 when Barry Goldwater was the Republican Nominee. The GOP(e) of the time, then known as the “Country Club” Republicans saw Goldwater as a threat to them, in that he would ignore them and strip them of their power, that they actively worked to sink his campaign. The upshot of that was Lyndon Johnson winning, and the escalation of the Vietnam war.


I have no idea if that escalation would have occurred under Goldwater, but I suspect that he would have run the war in a far different manner than Johnson and his merry band of fools. If the Rinos4Hillary succeed in torpedoing Trump, the odds are that the GOP will lose the Senate and take significant losses in the house.


The new Majority Leader, Charles “Upchuck” Schumer will, with no hesitation at all, end the filibuster and reduce the Republicans to chair warmers. Hillary Clinton will then start appointing federal judges and Supreme Court justices that hold the Constitution in contempt.

constitution, Void where prohibited by Obama

Say goodbye to the 1st Amendment, the 2nd Amendment and anything else that stands in the way of the Progressive movement and Hillary Clinton. Without a doubt, it will trip a full blown civil war, and if that happens, we can thank those who did everything they could to sink Donald Trump, simply because, he “Wasn’t one of us.”

I will be the first to say that I’ve held Reince Preibus in very low esteem. I believe I’ve referred to hims as “Wash Reince Repeat Preibus.” Standing up for Trump, and doing so in such a flat out, in your face attitude toward the Rinos4Hillary and Never Trump(ers) has raised my view of him significantly.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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