Clinton Foundation to be investigated after all?

Good day all. Last week news came out that the FBI wanted to investigate the Clinton Foundation for possible public corruption charges. Attorney, (For the Clintons), General Loretta Lynch rejected the request.


Now it seems that the investigation is going to happen anyway. Instead of being handled from Washington, it’s going to be U.S. Attorney’s investigating the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation. Here are some of the details from the Daily Caller:

Multiple FBI investigations are underway involving potential corruption charges against the Clinton Foundation, according to a former senior law enforcement official. The investigation centers on New York City where the Clinton Foundation has its main offices, according to the former official who has direct knowledge of the activities.


Prosecutorial support will come from various U.S. Attorneys Offices — a major departure from other centralized FBI investigations.

And the U.S. Attorney pushing this? He has a track record for putting crooked politicians in jail.

The New York-based probe is being led by Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York. Bharara’s prosecutorial aggressiveness has resulted in a large number of convictions of banks, hedge funds and Wall Street insiders.

Bharara is best known for securing convictions of prominent political figures, including former New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver. Silver had a seemingly intractable grip on power in the state for decades. He was convicted of accepting $4 million in exchange for helping a cancer researcher and two real estate developers.


I’ve heard that he’s also looking into New York Mayor de Blasio and Governor Andrew Cuomo.

The official said involvement of the U.S. Attorney’s Office in the Southern District of New York “would be seen by agents as a positive development as prosecutors there are generally thought to be more aggressive than the career lawyers within the DOJ.”


Considering the actions of one James “The Coward” Comey, and his white washing of Cankle’s criminal activities as Secretary of State, this will be a real chance to nail the Clinton Crime Cartel once and for all.

The former official said the investigation is being coordinated between bureau field offices and FBI managers at headquarters in Washington, D.C. The unusual process would ensure senior FBI supervisors, including Director James Comey, would be kept abreast of case progress and of significant developments.


Uh huh, sure. Whatever you say. I have the feeling this is more along the lines of “You chickened out, so leave it to us to get the job done you yellow bellied cowards.”

The reliance on U.S. attorneys would be a significant departure from the centralized manner in which the FBI managed the investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server and email addresses. That investigation was conducted with agents at FBI headquarters, who coordinated with the Department of Justice’s National Security Division (NSD).

And we saw how they choked when it came time to slam Cankles fat ass into prison. Is it any wonder the field offices don’t trust the decisions coming out of Sodom on the Potomac? An open and shut case and they broomed it.

The Clinton email probe was considered a “small cell” investigation, with FBI agents and NSD attorneys frequently conferring. Comey short-circuited the effort in early July by announcing that “no reasonable prosecutor” would try Clinton for the “careless” handling of classified material.


Since that fiasco of a press conference, many current and former prosecutors, using the information Cowardly Comey listed, have said “Hell Yes we would prosecute!”

In a related development Thursday, CNN reported that earlier this year, Justice Department officials in three different field offices “were in agreement a public corruption investigation should be launched” of Clinton Foundation activities. The probe was sparked by a bank notifying the FBI of “suspicious activity” around a foreign donor to the Clinton Foundation, according to Pamela Brown, CNN’s Justice Department reporter.

Gee, I wonder if that might have been the donations from Vladimir Putin just before Cankles handed him our Uranium mines? You know, the ones he’s selling the ore from to the Iranians so they can build a nuclear bomb?

nuclear blast

Had it been launched, that investigation would have looked at conflicts of interest between requests by foreign donors and official acts by Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State. CNN did not identify the bank or the foreign donor. Brown reported the FBI and Justice Department officials met but there was “disagreement” whether to launch such an investigation. In the end, the investigation was killed.


Why am I not surprised? If they had run that investigation, and, as I would suspect, they found things, it would have made it that much harder to cover up Cankles and Horny Dog Bill’s corruption. Thanks to Comey and Lynch’s covering up for Cankles, she is now the most corrupt candidate for the office of President in American history.

Hillary for Prison

It’s also shown people that the Department of Justice is now totally corrupt and can no longer be trusted, and it looks like the feeling has hit the field offices now. If Preet Bharara and his investigators start digging, and there is something to find, they will find it.


The only problem is, thanks to Comey and Lynch, the investigation won’t be concluded until well after the election, and possibly the inauguration. If it happens that Cankles wins, wll, Bharara at best will be fired and his investigation shut down. At worst? He will become the latest entry into the Clinton Death List.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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