Soros says jump, Cankles asks “How High?”

Good day all. We have a bit more fallout from the Clinton Email scandal. As I wrote yesterday, the United States Attorney for New York is investigating the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation, even though Loretta Lynch tried to squash it.


Now we have evidence that George Soros was actually issuing instructions to Hillary Clinton when she was Secretary of State. Here are some of the details from Breitbart:

A series of message within the September 2015 State Department dump of Hillary Clinton e-mails show the Secretary of State of the United States received direct orders over U.S. foreign policy from none other than Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros.

hillary shocked

George Soros, for those of you living in a cave, is a Hungarian born, naturalized American. He is also, in France, a convicted felon, and has a long history of wrecking economies for his personal gain. He also believes that the world should be ruled by an elite few, with himself at the top. He has funded every left-wing group in America, such as He is not a nice guy.

Dr Soros

Soros – who for years has been suspected of pulling the strings behind Clinton as well as dozens of foreign policy and open borders groups – appears to have sent a message through his “special advisor” Jonas Rolett.

Considering Cankles willingness to sell her office for cash, I have no doubt Soros bought her years ago. Now, just what did Soros order Clinton to do?

Rolett, who is listed as “Special Advisor to the Chair” on Soros’s Open Society Foundations website, sent a message to then-State Department official Richard Verma.

Mr. Verma duly passed the message along to an e-mail chain including Hillary’s top foreign affairs advisor Jacob Sullivan, her Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin, Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon, as well as a recipient “William J” – believed to be William Joseph Burns who was then Deputy Secretary of State.

The e-mails, dated January 24 2011, begin with Verma forwarding a message from Rolett with the note: “Below message is from George Soros for the Secretary. Understand his organization was sending through other channels as well”.

I looked at the email linked above. It’s a .pdf file and I recommend you read it. It looks like Soros is “Making suggestions” but it comes across as “Do this now.” A transcript of the email is also in the Breitbart Article if you don’t want to read the .pdf file.

Indeed just days after the message was sent, Mr. Lajcak, named by Mr. Soros in the e-mail, was sent to the Albanian capital in order to attempt to negotiate the situation. At the time Mr Lajcak said it was up to Albania’s leaders “to do what we ask them to do”.

eye roll

His organisations have also recently been responsible for agitating against the new, populist Polish government, as well as in his home country of Hungary, where President Viktor Orban has repeatedly blamed him for the migrant crisis, claiming his staff are “drawing a living” from the problem.

In May, Breitbart London exclusively revealed the words of Tomasz Piotr Poreba – a former Adviser to the Committees on Foreign Affairs and Regional Development in the European Parliament – who said: “Not so long ago relations between the Clintons and billionaire Soros were revealed… Soros supports Clintons and Clinton followed his order. That is no secret.”


The Wall Street Journal revealed the multi-billionaire, while backing Mrs. Clinton to the tune of millions, is betting against U.S. stocks.

Evil Grin

Soros has a long history of looking out only for himself, going back to his days under Nazi occupation. He is a firm believer, as I mentioned before, of a one world government ruled by an unelected elite. He and his organizations have worked for decades to bring about a new totalitarianism. He will not hesitate to destroy anyone who stands in his way. The one major problem with his plans is that the very people he holds in utter contempt have a habit of pushing back and pushing back hard.

Recently, Soros backed the “Remain” groups in the recent Brexit referendum. That vote went against the European ruling elite and Soros, with other who think as he does, have been working to both punish Great Britain and reverse their planned exit.


Mr. Soros recently called for the overturning of the Brexit vote to leave the European Union.

Soros lost big on that referendum as did the Progressive Elites on both sides of the Atlantic and the English Channel. The link in the above quote leads to another Breitbart story. The opening paragraph says it all.

The Hungarian-American open borders advocate and billionaire George Soros has declared ‘Brexit’ could easily be overturned and that the European Union (EU) must then be “remade”, with power transferred from national governments to EU bodies. Speaking on a wide range of topics, the billionaire stated that popular “illiberal democracies” like Hungary must be remodeled, on “European values”.

His idea of “European values” is a return to the monarchical rule that up until World War 1, most Europeans lived under. For Soros, it’s all about power, and he wants it in his hands, or in the hands of his heirs. Electing Hillary Clinton will move him one big step forward in his goals of collapsing the United States and bringing it under his planned “Rule by the Elite.”


~The Angry Webmaster~

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