James Comey does it again

Good day all. Yesterday, after I posted my blog entry on Felonia von Pantsuit’s maid having access to classified information, news came out that once again, James “The Coward” Comey was covering up Hillary Clinton’s crimes.


Comey sent a letter to Congress saying that their review of the 650,000 messages found on the Abedin/Weiner laptop had been completed and nothing was found to change his view. According to Fox News:

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails,” Comey said Sunday in a follow-up letter to Congress. “During that time we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton as secretary of state. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusion.”


There is no way in Hell the FBI could have reviewed all that data in the week they had access to the files. At best, they did key word searches as well as checks on some of the date stamps. With the news that came out that Hillary Clinton had instructed her maid to print out classified information from her own personal computer and printer, as well as to go into the SCIF, (Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility), set up in Felonia’s home, a room that should have been locked at all times, and that the maid should not have access to, to pick up fax’s that had come in for Hillary Clinton. It’s obvious that Comey and the FBI didn’t question this person or search her computer.


As you would expect, Felonia and the Democrats, who knew the fix was in, are thrilled with the latest cover up. However, the Republicans are not and are asking some very pointed questions.

Utah GOP Rep. Jason Chaffetz, chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Fox News’ “Special Report with Bret Bair” on Sunday night said he wasn’t surprise by the letter and continues to have questions — including whether Clinton has lied under oath about mishandling classified information in her State Department emails and what is the threshold to prove criminal intent.

What level do you need to get to to actually prove intent?” Chaffetz asked. “They did not answer the question yet as to whether Hillary Clinton has committed perjury.”

And they will not Senator Chaffetz. They aren’t even investigating it. If Hillary Clinton wins, you can bet your bottom dollar that every single investigation, and I understand that there are several into the Clinton Slush Fund Foundation, will be shut down and all evidence destroyed.

evil hillary2

If Donald Trump wins, you can count on a new Attorney General who will investigate not only the Clinton’s foundation, Felonia von Pantsuit’s handling, or should I say mishandling, of classified information, but also James Comey’s handling of the entire matter. For the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to refuse to enforce the laws simply because of politics, (The Espionage act does not require intent, irregardless of what Comey thinks), is beyond the pale. Comey has utterly trashed the reputation of the FBI and only his removal and a general house cleaning can restore it. If Felonia is the next president, that will not happen.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to James Comey does it again

  1. The Deplorable VonZorch says:

    I’ll believe the Repugnican Reps are serious when they bring a Bill of Impeachment forward on Killery’s butt boy Commey.
    The real problem won’t be fixed until lampposts and trees sport politicians.


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