Ketchup Boy Kerry going to Antarctica

Good day all, with the blizzard of political news, this little tidbit got snowed under. Secretary of State John “Ketchup Boy” Kerry, will be traveling to Antarctica.

kerry ketchup

If you are wondering why Ketchup Boy is traveling to the South Pole, you aren’t alone. Here are the details of this latest Kerry fiasco from The Washington Free Beacon:

After announcing that Secretary of State John Kerry will be traveling to Antarctica, State Department spokesman John Kirby was grilled over why Kerry was traveling there and the trip’s cost to taxpayers. Kerry will travel to a research station at the South Pole in a trip that begins Monday.

For the average person who wants to make that trip, flying commercial and then taking one of the tours, it’s going to run well over $10,000. For Ketchup Boy and his entourage, I wouldn’t be at all surprised that the tab to taxpayers runs over $1,000,000.00 or more. The research station is probably McMurdo Base. So what will this moron be doing down there anyway?

Reporters then asked what the diplomatic purpose of the visit is. Kirby said the reason is climate change.

The purpose for the South Pole was to talk to researchers and scientists largely about climate change research,” Kirby said.


The reporters started asking how much all this was going to cost. Kirby didn’t have a lot to say on that subject.

Kirby was unable to provide an estimated cost for Kerry’s trip.

Well, lets take a guess shall we? First class accommodations on an Air Force jet for himself and his staff, First class hotel accommodations in New Zealand, then a transport plane into McMurdo. Just the costs of the flights are going to be in the high 6 figures.

There’s some criticism that this trip is basically, you know, the secretary wants to knock Antarctica off his bucket list and he’s doing it on taxpayer expense,” a reporter said.

This surprises the Reporter? Kerry is a well known leech when it comes to money. He married his first wife for money and then he married his current wife, the Queen of Ketchup, (Teresa Heinz), for even more money. There is a name for people like John Forbes Kerry. That name is “Gigalo”.


This trip should be shut down, but Ketchup Boy has probably already left. However, we could still do something positive and leave him down there to freeze with honor. Perhaps he’ll piss off the penguins and they’ll all peck him to death or something.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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