Rosie O’Donnell calls Trump unstable?

Good day all. One of the loudest, most obnoxious moonbats in Hollywood is Rosie O’Donnell. This complete waste of oxygen, who has never missed a meal, and who is of dubious talent, was one of the many Hollywood types who said that if Trump won the election, she was leaving the country.

Well, like all the other Progressive Liberal “Actors” in Hollywood, she was lying through her teeth. Since the election, she, like all the moonbats, was trying to figure out a way to steal the election from Donald Trump and give it to their hero, Felonia von Pantsuit. Now, she’s in full nutjob mode and is claiming that Trump is “Mentally unstable.” (In other words, like all liberals, she’s projecting). Here are a few details from Fox News:

Rosie O’Donnell didn’t waste any time starting off the New Year with her favorite activity — going after Donald Trump on Twitter. The 54-year-old tweeted Sunday that the President-elect is “mentally unstable” and that America has “less than 3 weeks to stop him.”

This is not the first time (nor the second or third time) that the comedian has attacked Trump. She has previously called him, among other things, “the worst representation of what the United States is or could be.”

Trump and O’Donnell have sparred publicly for over a decade, since way back in 2006 when O’Donnell publicly criticized Trump for refusing to fire disgraced beauty queen Tara Conner. But their feud boiled over during Trump’s presidential campaign and took center stage during a GOP debate on Fox News.

Yeah, they really don’t like each other. What really frosts Rosie O’Donuts O’Donnell is Donald Trump is a hell of a lot smarter than she is, and she knows it.

Responding to moderator Megyn Kelly’s question about Trump using derogatory language to insult women, Trump shot back: “Only Rosie O’Donnell.”

I would question whether or not O’Donuts is actually a woman. Do walking tumors have a gender?

O’Donnell even vowed to leave the United States should he be elected.

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As you obviously guessed, the self centered pile of horse droppings didn’t leave. In 16 days, Donald Trump will be sworn in as the 45th president of the United States. Rosie O’Donuts will continue to froth at the mouth like a rabid dog. As President Trump unwinds all the crap Obama has done, O’Donuts and all her moonbat friends will continue their screeching. And President Trump’s response to their ranting and raving?


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Rosie O’Donnell calls Trump unstable?

  1. FriarBob says:

    Well… if you define “unstable” as “not guaranteed to give me everything I want before I ask for it”… then yeah, he’s unstable.

    And only an idiot like Rosie O’Donuts would actually define it that way.


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