Pelosi as delusional as ever

Good day all. The clock is counting down on both Der Fubar and his “signature” legislation, Obamacare. President-elect Donald Trump is already preparing the Executive Orders needed to trash as much of it as possible. One person who is upset with this is House Minority Leader, Nancy Pelosi.

She’s already going off the deep end as the Republicans look at the most efficient way to repeal Obamacare and replace it with something that works, solves the few issues we had prior to Obamacare and saves everyone a ton of money. SanFran Nan thinks any attempt is “An act of cowardice.” Here are the details from The Washington Times:

Democrats mounted a preemptive attack as the new Congress gets ready to meet Tuesday, accusing Republicans of “cowardice” for what is expected to be an early-session effort to repeal Obamacare. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, preparing for her fourth straight Congress in the minority — she lost her speakership in 2010, in an anti-Obamacare backlash — now says it’s the GOP that will pay a political price if it moves to dismantle the Affordable Care Act.

You break it, you own it,” the California Democrat said.

I hate to be the one to tell you this Nancy, (Ok I’m lying. I’m really going to enjoy telling you), but Obamacare is already broken as was broken the moment you slammed it down the throats of the American People using every trick in the book. You might also recall, well, considering the advanced case of dementia you have, you might not recall, you ignored the Republicans in congress, and passed that load of manure without a single Republican vote.

Ramming this through cost you the House of representatives and you the Speakers gavel. Now the Republicans are going to take your precious (Un)Affordable Care Act, drag it out behind the Capitol building and put a bullet into it. What really scares the fecal matter out of you, (You really should have worn a brown skirt you know), is that Trump and the Republicans will actually put something together that actually works and that people like.

You really should have retired this year like that other California Moron, Barbara “Dumber that a box of rocks” Boxer. She may have been able to hang on for one more term, but I suspect she’s seeing the writing on the wall. The Democrat Party, in its current form, is dead. In 2018, there is a very good chance that the Democrats could end up as nothing more than a regional political party and become totally irrelevant. You, Harry Reid and Barack Obama are the ones who own Obamacare, and now the condemned notice is about to be sent out.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Pelosi as delusional as ever

  1. bbuddha says:

    They have been trying desperately to find a way to blame ozero care on the republicans. I don’t think it will work as even the most unaware person knows that no republican voted for it. I remember after it passed they tried to say it was the GOP’s fault for not helping them make it less awful. That didn’t seem to have legs at all. that was during gibbs tenure as press sec. He could tell the most outrageous lies with a straight face.


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