California hires Holder to protect criminals

Good day all. Since Donald Trump won the election, the California Moonbats have been trying to top one another over who will “Stand up to Trump.” What they plan on standing up for is protecting the millions of criminal aliens currently hiding out in the Moonbat state.

Since the California Attorney General, Kamala Harris, was anointed to take over the Barbara Boxer seat, and the new AG hasn’t been sworn in yet, Governor Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown has decided to hire former Obama Attorney General, Eric Holder. Holder’s “job” will be taking on the Trump administration as it works to uphold the rule of law. (An utterly alien concept to Holder and the Democrats) Here are some of the details from Fox News:

California lawmakers already are preparing for a legal brawl with the Donald Trump administration – and they’ve got President Obama’s former top attorney in their corner. Top state Democratic lawmakers announced Wednesday that former Attorney General Eric Holder has been tapped as outside counsel to advise the Legislature on potential challenges with the Trump government. He will lead a team from the Covington & Burling law firm, where he’s been working since leaving the Obama administration in 2015.

With the upcoming change in administrations, we expect that there will be extraordinary challenges for California in the uncertain times ahead,” California Senate President pro Tempore Kevin de León and Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon said in a statement. “This is a critical moment in the history of our nation. We have an obligation to defend the people who elected us and the policies and diversity that make California an example of what truly makes our nation great.”

They said Holder and his team will advise “in our efforts to resist any attempts to roll back the progress California has made.”

Progress? California is well on the way to becoming a “Failed state” thanks to the stupidity of the Democrats. Thanks to the Progressives running things out there, companies are folding their tents and hightailing it to places like Texas and Nevada. Taxes are constantly increasing, the rule of law is ignored and the Constitution of the United States, something every single one of those pinheads swore an oat to when they took office, has, for all intents and purposes, been suspended. Progress like that, we can all do without.

The statement did not specify which policies they anticipate will cause friction, though California’s numerous sanctuary cities are likely to face challenges from an administration that has threatened to pull their federal funding.

Oh I think the Trump administration is going to do a lot more than just shut off the money tap. I won’t be at all surprised if some of the office holders aren’t also criminally prosecuted as well.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, De León suggested Holder’s team will work on issues like immigration, climate change, the environment and voting rights.

Oh that should be interesting. On immigration, California is well known for protecting not only border hoppers, but out right criminals from deportation. That policy has already gotten a number of people killed, most notably, Kathryn Steinle. She would be alive today if the “Sanctuary city” of San Francisco had turned the dirtbag who murdered her over to ICE.

On Climate change? Jerry and the Moonbats have become so extreme in this that they recently started regulating the flatulence of cattle. As for voting rights? What California has in mind, and what probably happened in the last election, is to let anyone vote irregardless of pesky little things like being an American citizen. The level of fraud in California is suspected, (But not verified), to actually have tipped the popular vote balance in favor of Felonia von Pantsuit. This is something else that the Trump administration will probably be looking into.

The Los Angeles Times reported that De León and Rendon have been considering hiring outside counsel ever since Trump’s election, in a preemptive bid to protect state policies that could clash with the new administration’s.

California’s “State Policies” are notorious for actually violating things like the United States Constitution. The California moonbats have all but negated the 2nd Amendment rights of the citizens. When some of the new laws regarding the 2nd Amendment are passed and signed by President Trump, such as nationwide honoring of Concealed Carry Weapon permits, and ending the assorted bans on magazine size and the types of guns people can own because they are “Evil looking”, Holder and the moonbats will promptly head into federal court to judicially end the to Keep and Bear arms.

There’s just a few problems with some of these things. Starting with the 2nd Amendment challenges California will try, by the time they reach the Supreme Court, Trump will have appointed one and possibly more justices who will probably extend what the late Antonin Scalia did with the Heller decision. Next, on climate change, I’ve heard, (But can’t verify), that Governor Moonbat has been negotiating with foreign countries on things like carbon levels and other things that are in the purview of the Federal government. If Governor Moonbat has been violating the Logan Act, we may see him prosecuted.

And then we have Eric Holder himself. He is probably one of the most corrupt, if not THE most corrupt AG in United States history. He is directly responsible for the murder of a federal border agent. He so politicized the Department of Justice that the next AG, Jeff Sessions, will have a Herculean task cleaning it all up. Then there was the “Fast&Furious” gun walking caper which lead to the murder of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, not to mention hundreds of Mexican citizens, politicians and police. Then there is that Contempt of Congress charge outstanding. I don’t know what the status of that may be, now that we have a new Congress, but it has been referred to the DOiJ for prosecution.

So, Eric Holder. He’s absolutely perfect for California. Corrupt, evil, holds the Constitution in utter contempt, and could be, theoretically, looking at being prosecuted himself. Californistan is going to get a pretty severe wake up call in the coming months, and I hope the “First alarm” is Holder being arrested and perp walked to jail, soon followed by the entire California state government.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to California hires Holder to protect criminals

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    Cut off federal funds and The Democratic Peoples Soviet Socialist Republik of Kaliforniastan will collapse like a house of cards that’s been kicked.


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