Daily Archives: June 4, 2024

Biden claims plan for cease fire. Netanyahu goes “WTF?”

Good day all. Last Friday, June 2nd, Dementia Joe Biden announced that Israel has had proposed a plan for a permanent cease fire with Hamas. There was just one problem. Israel didn’t know anything about it.

Posted in liberty, Moonbat, News of the Day, Precious Snowflakes, Second Amendment, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Joe Biden definitely has the Illegal Alien vote sewn up

Good day all. Since the worst president* in American history was installed into the Oval Office, the United States has been invaded by millions of illegal aliens. This has angered most Americans and legal resident aliens, and even Democrats want … Continue reading

Posted in MAGA, Moonbat, News of the Day, Precious Snowflakes, Stupidity, The Good Idea Fairy | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment