Biden claims plan for cease fire. Netanyahu goes “WTF?”

Good day all. Last Friday, June 2nd, Dementia Joe Biden announced that Israel has had proposed a plan for a permanent cease fire with Hamas. There was just one problem. Israel didn’t know anything about it.

The war with Hamas is beginning to come to a conclusion as the last of the terrorists are now cornered like the rates they are in Rafah. Prime Minister Netanyahu has said that the complete destruction of Hamas is the goal for Israel and for the better part of a year, has made good on that plan.

This has become a problem for the Biden Maladministration. The colleges and universities exploded in waves of antisemitism and demanded that Israel, for all intents and purposes, surrender to Hamas. That, of course, wasn’t happening. However, these Leftist idiots are the ones the Democrats consider to be some of their core voters, so Biden and a fair number of Democrats have turned on Israel.

Biden has been trying in his usual incompetent way, to get Israel to stop blowing the crap out of Hamas. He has threatened Israel, held back weapons and with the recent stupidity of the ICC has thought that might get Netanyau to save his political ass. Israel and Netanyahu basically ignored the Biden Maladministration and have continued crushing Hamas.

Finally, on Friday, Dementia Joe announced that Israel had proposed a plan to end the war and allow Hamas to continue to exist. He did this when it was late in the evening in Israel and just before their Sabbath. Normally, Jews don’t conduct any business on their Shabbat except for emergencies. (Like shooting Hamas terrorists) Think of it as their Sunday for Christians.

Biden’s announcement caught everyone in Israel by surprise. So much so that the Israeli government decided that they had to break the Sabbath and respond to Biden’s lies. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office released a statement on Saturday that seemed to contradict President Biden’s comments that would end the war in Gaza. 

Netanyahu’s office said that Israel’s conditions for ending the war – the destruction of Hamas’s military and governing capabilities, the freeing of all hostages and ensuring that Gaza no longer poses a threat to Israel – had not changed. 

In the second part of the statement posted on X, his office continued, “The notion that Israel will agree to a permanent ceasefire before these conditions are fulfilled is a non-starter.”

That was a pretty solid slam against Biden. There was no subtlety, no diplomatic niceties saying there appeared to be a misunderstanding, just a flat out statement that there would be no negotiations with Hamas. period. mic drop. Hamas, on the other hand, was all in with Biden’s lies.

Notice that all this happened on Saturday when they knew that Israel was basically shut down for the day. This was a deliberate ploy by Biden’s handlers. I suspect they were caught off guard when Israel basically broke Sabbath and responded. As for “The Plan?”

Biden said the plan for a permanent cease-fire in Gaza, a return of all the hostages to Israel and rebuilding the war-torn territory – without allowing Hamas to return to power in any format – was part of “a comprehensive new proposal” that Israel had already offered Hamas. 

Those hostages are all dead including the Americans. Everyone knows this. Thanks to Biden’s incompetence, stupidity and senility, the window to rescue them closed a while ago. As for “The Biden Plan,” (It sure as Hell isn’t the Israel plan), people have already recognized it for what it was.

Critics have already jumped on the Biden offer. Former Trump National Security Council staff member and FDD senior adviser Richard Goldberg told Fox News Digital, “To be clear, the president has just repackaged a Hamas proposal as a U.S.-endorsed Israeli proposal, perhaps believing this would make an Israeli surrender to Hamas more palatable to Israelis.”

Yeah, good luck with that. I don’t think the average Israeli has any interest in letting Hamas off the hook. If they aren’t wiped out, root and branch, they will simply rebuild and hit Israel again.

Biden’s speech caught many in Israel off-guard. Given after the start of the Jewish sabbath, when many observant Israelis switch off phones and television sets, Israeli news commentators doubted that Netanyahu’s office had been made aware that the president was going to make such an address.

There is no question that the Biden Maladministration said nothing to Netanyahu or anyone else in Israel. They wanted to use this announcement to pressure Israel into not grinding Hamas into dust. We’re now seeing how the Progressives of the world actually view Israel. What was once subtle is now blatant. They are basically backing Hamas.

As he laid out his plan live on air, some wondered why the president had gone behind Netanyahu’s back to leak details of an offer to Hamas, which one day earlier had said it had rejected Israel’s proposal.

Why? Like Obama, Biden hates Netanyahu. He isn’t a fan of Israel either. (They didn’t kick back money to him probably) Add to that everyone in his maladministration are mostly Obama thugs who are antisemites and you can see why no one bothered to talk to Netanyahu.

There was also confusion about whether Biden was really presenting the same plan that Netanyahu’s government had approved or whether it was a modified version. 

I have no doubt this was modified. It basically gives Hamas everything it wants and gives the Israelis nothing.

Israeli opposition leader Yair Lapid urged the government to consider the proposal, saying that it “cannot ignore President Biden’s important speech.”

Yes Mr. Lapid, you can. Biden doesn’t care about Israel and only cares about Joe Biden. (Psychopath after all) I know the old trope about getting two Israelis into a room and you will end up with three sides of an argument, but you really need to put politics aside. Israel needs to annihilate Hamas, not give them any breathing room. They are no better then the Nazis that tried to exterminate all Jews.

Never Forget should also cover October 7th. Anything that allows Hamas to exist is a bad deal. They started the war. Give them breathing space and in 5 years you will have another, probably far worse October 7th attack. Finish off Hamas and then deal with the internal politics. As for the Hamas/Biden plan?


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~The Angry Webmaster~

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