And the next Supreme Court Justice is…

Judge Neil Gorsuch!! Good day all. Once again, President Trump has upset the Beltway Uniparty and the Progressive Liberal Democrats by keeping another of his campaign promises.

That promise was to find someone who would cherish the Constitution the way that the late Justice Antonin Scalia did. (And like the Progressives on the bench at all level generally, don’t) President Trump’s choice has won accolades from many people knowledgeable about these things, including a few on the Progressive side. Even the #NeverTrumpers are grudgingly saying that President Trump has made a very good choice. The pro-Trump supporters reaction has been more along these lines:

As for the Democrats? They are already starting up the mud machine and stating flat out that they will “Stop Gorsuch from filling the Merrick Garland seat!” The New York Slimes Times led the way this morning in an editorial titled: Neil Gorsuch, the Nominee for a Stolen Seat. Here are a few quotes from the Fishwrap of Record.

It’s been almost a year since Senate Republicans took an empty Supreme Court seat hostage, discarding a constitutional duty that both parties have honored throughout American history and hobbling an entire branch of government for partisan gain.

The Slimes, as usual, fails to understand the section in the constitution that refers to “Advice and Consent.” The Senate chose not to consent. Considering that Garland was anti-Second Amendment and pro Big Government, and never met a regulation he thought was bad, keeping him off the court was the right thing to do. Of course, the Slimes continues down the slippery slope of moonbattiness with this.

President Trump had a great opportunity to repair some of that damage by nominating a moderate candidate for the vacancy, which was created when Justice Antonin Scalia died last February. Instead, he chose Neil Gorsuch, a very conservative judge from the federal Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit whose jurisprudence and writing style are often compared to those of Justice Scalia.

Hello? What did you think Trump was going to do you morons? He has been saying all along that he would appoint someone similar in thought and temperament to the late Antonin Scalia and as usual, he kept his word.

If Judge Gorsuch is confirmed, the court will once again have a majority of justices appointed by Republican presidents, as it has for nearly half a century. For starters, that spells big trouble for public-sector labor unions, environmental regulations and women’s access to contraception. If Trump gets the chance to name another justice, the consequences could be much more dire.

Sorry, I’m not seeing a problem here. I do question how the Supreme Court could stop a woman from heading to the local drug store and picking up her preferred form of birth control. Oh! I see, you mean free stuff.

Still not seeing anything in the constitution regarding me having to pay for a woman’s preferred method of birth control. The only reason I should consider paying for it is if she’s “snuggling” with me and we don’t want kids right now. Then I would help pay for it. Now the Slimes, like all Progressive groups, thinks that companies and organizations should be forced to pay for it even if they are philosophically opposed.

There are a few cases pending, primarily on religious grounds. Since Progressives want to suppress religious freedom, (Except Islam. They like Islam until it’s their heads getting chopped off), and forcing churches to fund things like this is the next step in suppressing religion in the United States.

The seat Judge Gorsuch hopes to sit in should have been filled, months ago, by Merrick Garland, the chief judge of the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, whom President Barack Obama nominated to the court last March. Judge Garland, a former federal prosecutor and 20-year veteran of the nation’s most important federal appeals court, is both more moderate and more qualified than Judge Gorsuch.

That meant nothing to Senate Republicans, who abused their power as the majority party and, within hours of Justice Scalia’s death, shut down the confirmation process for the remainder of Mr. Obama’s presidency. There would be no negotiations to release this hostage; the sole object was to hold on to the court’s conservative majority. The outrageousness of the ploy was matched only by the unlikelihood that it would succeed — until, to virtually everyone’s shock, it did.

Yes it did succeed, much to everyone’s surprise. Now if Felonia von Pantsuit had won the election, there’s a good chance Garland would have been confirmed before she took office. Considering what Felonia had said on the campaign trail, that she would have litmus tests for judges to end the 1st and 2nd Amendments, he would have been the lesser evil. Now we have a fine choice, and the Progressive Liberal Democrats are all saying they will stop his nomination.

Barking Moonbat

It ain’t going to happen. Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell is now under heavy pressure to nuke the filibuster if the Democrats continue with their plans to obstruct the Trump Administration. I give them a week, two at the most before McConnell finishes the job of rendering the Democrats irrelevant.

Meanwhile, the whining, screaming and crying from the left continues unabated.

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Really, someone needs to change their diapers, give them their bottle and put them down for their nap.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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2 Responses to And the next Supreme Court Justice is…

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    The bitter tears of leftards nourish my soul.

  2. Urban Rage says:

    We have a rare opportunity as Americans, to clean the slate and reinvent our Government, every two years. I for one am looking forward to seeing President Trump the first President of his kind in action


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