Meet Achmed, the Dead Terrorist’s cousins

Good day all. With all the teeth gnashing, crying, screaming and foot stamping over President Trump’s latest Executive order, the news that Iranian backed terrorists had attacked the wrong ship in the Persian Gulf slipped under the radar.

From what I’ve read, a boat loaded with explosives, and apparently manned by cousins of Achmed the Dead Terrorist, rammed a Saudi warship, possible thinking it was an American warship. Here are the details from Fox News:

The Iranian-backed suicide attack targeting a Saudi frigate off the coast of Yemen on Monday may have been meant for an American warship, two defense officials told Fox News.

The incident in question occurred in the southern Red Sea and was carried out by Iranian-backed Houthi rebels. Two Saudi sailors were killed and three were wounded. At first the ship was thought to have been struck by a missile.

But based on new analysis of a video showing the attack, American intelligence officials now believe this was, in fact, a suicide bomber whose small boat rammed the side of the Saudi vessel.

In the audio heard on the video, a voice narrating the attack shouts in Arabic, “Death to America, Death to Israel, Death to the Jews.”

Nice going dummies, you managed to hit the wrong ship! In fact, now you’ve put the United States Navy on alert, not that they don’t already consider that region a cruise in the Bahamas. Now, you won’t have any chance at all, not that you did in the first place. Any small boats heading to an American warship is going to be blown out of the water long before they get close enough to even scratch the paint.

U.S. defense analysts believe those behind the attack either thought the bomber was striking an American warship or that this was a “dress rehearsal” similar to the attack on the USS Cole, according to one official.

The Cole was in port, tied up and in the process of refueling when the Islamic Retards rammed the side of the ship and blew a massive hole in the side. Hitting a ship that’s underway, and on alert, isn’t that easy. The Saudi’s were probably not paying all that much attention. After all, they aren’t Americans. This isn’t the first time American ships have come under attack in that area either.

The attack, near the Bab al Mandab Strait connecting the Red Sea to the Gulf of Aden, occurred in the same area where U.S. Navy warships came under missile attack in October. An American destroyer shot down those incoming missiles — the first successful engagement in combat using an American SM-2 missile.

USS Nitze, an American destroyer, retaliated soon after, launching Tomahawk missiles on October 13 at multiple Houthi radar sites in Yemen.

Probably after getting King Putt off the course to actually do his job and approve the counter-attack. Thankfully, those days are over, and I have no doubt that President Trump has sat down with Secretary of Defense Mattis and decided exactly what the Navy should do if they think they are about to be attacked. One thing they won’t be doing is trying to reach Der Fubar for permission to not get sunk by his buddies, the Iranians.

Senior U.S. defense officials who spoke with Fox News say they’re concerned by this latest incident, but are confident American warships can defend themselves.

When they are allowed to that is, and today, not only will they be allowed to defend themselves, they will be encouraged to do so. I’m torn between hoping the Iranians, (Or their bought and paid for “allies”), try something and my preference that the Navy doesn’t have to act. After all, Greenpeace will get annoyed with all the litter that the Navy is strewing about at the bottom of the ocean, although, the sharks will enjoy the change in their normal diets.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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3 Responses to Meet Achmed, the Dead Terrorist’s cousins

  1. Urban Rage says:

    Where are all the great Irish terrorists? Well, many starved themselves to death. Why? good question Many became Irish porn stars, who can forget Connie Lingus, Pat McGroin, Phil McKracken, or the great Ben Dover?

  2. irish19 says:

    And oldie but still a goodie.

  3. Vulcanrider says:

    The new Iranian Navy will need glass bottomed boats…to see the OLD Iranian Navy! (It’s an old one, I know, but c’mon, it fits!)


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