Senate crybabies boycott hearings

Good day all. The Senate Democrats, led by that “Fine, upstanding Statesman”, UpChuck Schumer, have decided they will boycott eh confirmation hearings for Jeff Sessions.

The Democrats still haven’t figured out yet that they’ve been rejected by the American People and now they need to grow up and start putting America first…for the first time in decades. Instead, they are continuing to throw temper tantrums, and are refusing to do their jobs. Here are some details from Fox News:

Congressional tensions over President Trump’s Cabinet picks – and his executive order on immigration – flared Tuesday as Democrats boycotted committee meetings on two major nominees and clashed with Republicans over the nomination of Sen. Jeff Sessions to lead the Justice Department.

Republicans on Tuesday were forced to indefinitely delay Senate Finance Committee votes on the nominations of GOP Georgia Rep. Tom Price to be Health secretary and financier Steve Mnuchin to head the Treasury Department, after Democrats boycotted a planned meeting.

Finance Committee Chairman Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, said he planned to reschedule the votes but did not say when. He said Democrats “ought to stop posturing and acting like idiots.”

Sorry Orrin, Fish gotta swim and Democrats gotta be idiots. It’s in their DNA.

Meanwhile, senators were clashing during a protracted meeting considering the nomination of Jeff Sessions for attorney general. Sessions, a conservative senator from Alabama, was an early backer of Trump. During his confirmation hearing he was dogged by allegations of racism – something he strongly denies.

The committee’s top Democrat, Sen. Dianne Feinstein, took Sessions to task and tried to tie him to the controversial order and the Trump administration, as she announced her opposition.

Not one order, idea or pronouncement is meant to bring this country together, they only serve to drive us further apart,” Feinstein said. “It is in this context we are being asked to consider this nomination.”

This from one of the California Communists? A person who has stated that if she had her way, she would order people to surrender their firearms and the constitution be damned? Someone who plans on dying in office and despises anyone who dares to think differently then her? That Senator Feinstein?

Feinstein also praised Yates and said standing up to Trump “took a steel spine.”

That is what an attorney general must be willing to do,” she said before adding she has “no confidence” Sessions would be able to stand up to the president.

No, it showed her utter contempt for the rule of law, and that she is just another crooked Democrat. She was insubordinate and was fired for it, just like anyone else would be in the “Dreaded Private Sector. The Democrats are furious that they are out of power and will do anything to disrupt the Trump Administration. It doesn’t matter one wit if he comes up with a policy that, under other circumstances, they would embrace and run with. No, for them it’s all about putting the Party first.

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Eventually, people will grow tired of their whining and demand that Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell pull the trigger on the “Nuclear option” and cut the Democrats out of everything.

Maybe when they grow up, they will be allowed back in to play. Until then, they should be sent to their rooms without any dessert, until they learn how to act like grown up instead of spoiled little children.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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