900 State Dept. Officials offer resignations…

I mean “sign a protest memo.” Good day all. In the “How stupid can I be?” department, news came out that some 900 officials with the State Department signed a memo protesting President Trump’s recent Executive order suspending entry from certain countries.

As you should know, last weekend, President Trump signed an order to suspend immigration, tourist visas and refugees from 7 countries in the Middle East and Africa. All of these countries have one thing in common. They are hotbeds of Islamic Terrorism. This has upset the Striped Pants brigade at Foggy Bottom and they decided to write a memo about it. Here are the details from Yahoo News:

About 900 U.S. State Department officials signed an internal dissent memo protesting a travel ban by U.S. President Donald Trump on refugees and travelers from seven Muslim-majority countries, a source familiar with the document said on Tuesday, in a rebellion against the new president’s policies.

A senior State Department official confirmed the memorandum had been submitted to acting Secretary of State Tom Shannon through the department’s “dissent channel,” a process in which officials can express unhappiness over policy (http://bit.ly/2jOYW0y).

It seems that someone didn’t get the other memos that came out. The first one was delivered November 8, 2016 and the second one was delivered January 20, 2017. Both of those memos basically said, “The old boss has gone into retirement, his chosen successor was rejected by the shareholders and their choice is just been hired. He’s going to be doing a complete overhaul on how business is being done. There may be reductions in force.”

White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Monday he was aware of the memo but warned career diplomats that they should either “get with the program or they can go.”

These are professional diplomatic personnel. They aren’t capable of understanding plain language. You’re going to have to speak in innuendo, half truths, outright lies and hyperbole.

A draft of the dissent memo seen by Reuters argued that the executive order would sour relations with affected countries, inflame anti-American sentiment and hurt those who sought to visit the United Spates for humanitarian reasons.

It said the policy “runs counter to core American values of non-discrimination, fair play and extending a warm welcome to foreign visitors and immigrants.

Here’s the problem with the United States Department of State. It’s full of barking moonbats, stuck up snobs, traitors and people who have forgotten that they represent the United States. For to long, they have been selling out the United States and not a few of them have wanted to put the United States under the thumb control of the United Nations and the European Union.

Well guess what? The people of America have decided that they aren’t happy with your work and have selected a new CEO to fix the mess you’ve made of America Inc. As a shareholder in the company, I would like to thank the 900 people who have announced that they looking for new opportunities elsewhere. I also understand that a long list of openings for positions in the State Department have just been posted to Monster.com and indeed.com.

The requirements are lengthy, but at the top is “Must place American interests first. There is also another requirement that all laws, rules and regulations regarding the handling of government documents must be followed and all electronic communications must be sent through approved United States Government messaging systems.” Interested Parties should send their resume’s to Rex Tillerson with salary requirements.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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5 Responses to 900 State Dept. Officials offer resignations…

  1. Urban Rage says:

    Oh God how did i get on this packies web list?


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