EU considers Donald Trump an “External threat”

Good day all. Last summer, the British staged their “Great Escape” when the voted to pull out of the European Union. Brexit, much like the election of Donald Trump, came as a massive shock to the European elites who are governing ruling Europe.

The other day, (January 31st, 2017), the European Union Council President announced that he considered President trump as a threat on the same level as Radical Islam. Here are the details from the Russian Times, (Yeah yeah, they have sources):

European Council President Donald Tusk has called the US under President Donald Trump one of the external threats to the EU along with China, Russia and radical Islam.

Right now, the main threat to Europe is one of their own making. Millions of Islamic refugees, many of them determined to force Europe to bow to Sharia Law, and most of the rest demanding Europe provide them with money, housing and all sorts of free stuff. Russian runs a close second, however, there really isn’t any reason for Russia to do much, like invade. They don’t need the headache. Now as to why they say President Trump as an external threat? That’s simple. He represents everything that the Ruling Eurotrash elites hate.

The senior EU official added that the bloc must take “spectacular steps” to avoid disintegration. He said that if this did not happen, separated European nations would become dependent on the US, China and Russia.

Why do I hear the sound of Jackboots in the background?

Tusk believes that the EU is currently facing a threat unprecedented since the since the signature of the Treaty of Rome in 1957, which founded the European Economic Community, EU’s predecessor.

“For the first time in our history, in an increasingly multipolar external world, so many are becoming openly anti-European, or Euroskeptic at best. Particularly the change in Washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation; with the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of American foreign policy,” he said in the letter.

Do you know why so many people in Europe are ready to pull the plug on the European Union? Because they see it as a total failure. Instead of making life better for Europeans, it’s actually made things a lot worse. With German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s stupidity in letting in a million Muslims, almost none of whom have any intention of assimilating into German/European culture, not to mention the crimes they’ve been committing, including mass murder and gang rapes, people have had enough.

Tusk said that in addition to external threats, the EU has to deal with domestic nationalism, “national egoism,” a “decline of faith in political integration” and rising doubts about “the fundamental values of liberal democracy.”

Tusk warned against seeing any potential end of the EU as a positive development.

The disintegration of the European Union will not lead to the restoration of some mythical, full sovereignty of its member states, but to their real and factual dependence on the great superpowers: the United States, Russia and China,” Tusk wrote to EU leaders. “Only together can we be fully independent.”

The are two reasons the European Union exists. One was as a check on Germany. After they caused two world wars, no one wanted to let them run around unsupervised. The other was the real threat from the Soviet Union. Now the USSR is gone, and while Putin likes to make a lot of noise, he really doesn’t want to take over Europe. He’s got enough problems at home.

Germany has, since reunification, essentially castrated themselves. They are being overrun by fundamentalist Muslims, and instead of cracking down on them, Merkel and her minions are going after the German people for actually trying to protect themselves. It seems to the average person in Europe that if the Muslims want to rape their women, then the women should just lie back and enjoy it. Is it any reason Nationalism is on the rise in Europe?

The European Council president suggested that the EU should borrow the American motto: “United we stand, divided we fall.”

And, as usual, the elitist misses the actual meaning of the motto. When Benjamin Franklin made that statement, he was talking to the Continental Congress during the American Revolution. At that time, the American colonies were in the midst of a much early version of “Brexit’. Somehow I don’t think that’s exactly what Tusk has in mind.

While Tusk’s criticism of Trump is among the most vocal by EU officials since the Republican’s election, he is far from being alone. Earlier, Guy Verhofstadt, the EU’s chief negotiator on Brexit, said Trump and his chief strategist, Steve Bannon, are determined to break up the European Union.

Verhofstadt identified three major threats to the EU, with radical Islam and Russia being the first two.

My impression is we have a third front undermining the EU, and that is Donald Trump, who … has spoken very favorably that other countries will want to break away from the EU, and that he hoped for a disintegration of the EU,” he added.

Trump, in my humble opinion, doesn’t give a damn one way or the other about Europe. In this, he’s mirroring the opinions of most of the American population. We had to send troops into Europe twice in the last century to clean up the mess the Europeans made of the continent, and then we had to pour trillions of dollars into defending you from the USSR and Warsaw pact.

Recently, you staged a bank robbery on Libya. You managed to screw that up and then conned the United States into coming in and saving your asses again. The United States has grown tired of supporting you. When we’ve gone to the Europeans for help, such as after the 9/11 attacks, Only the British came to our aid. The rest of you? You’re always there right when you need us.

We’ve had it with you and your holier than thou attitudes, and Donald Trump agrees with us. The European Union has failed, and being a businessman, President Trump knows that there comes a time to cut your losses and look to other deals. If that means writing off the European Union, and making deals with the individual countries, then so be it.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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