Progressive Fascists riot at Berkeley, stomp free speech

Good day all. Last night, conservative writer Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak to a sold out audience at Berkeley University. This upset the usual mobs of Social Justice Warriors, progressives, moonbats and all the other members of the Hitler Youth.

Yes, I am going to use the word Nazi in describing what I’ve been reading today. A large mob of “students” refused to allow Milo to speak. They forced the university to cancel his speech, then went on one of their typical riots and trashed the area. At least one person was beaten into unconsciousness by these thugs.

All the while, the Progressives either attending this “University” or actually teaching there, (if delivering Marxist, totalitarian groupthink crap can be considered teaching), were all for shutting down Milo’s 1st Amendment rights, along with the rights of people who wanted to hear what he had to say.

According to some reports, no one has been arrested, let alone charged with the multiple felonies that happened last night. There are rumors, at this time utterly unsubstantiated, that the police basically stood by while the mobs were rampaging around, burning and destroying things.

The next question is, what happens next? The answer is simple and I think President Trump is actively considering it. Since Berkeley’s administration is only paying lip service to the right to speak, it’s time to pull all federal funding from them, including any collage loans to people attending the school. I’m given to understand that fully half their financing comes from the Federal Government. It’s time to start teaching these thugs and their supporters that we will not permit them to suppress the constitutional rights of people simply because “it might upset you.”

This crap needs to be shut down now and shut down hard. People who have been pushing this, or have been involved, should be criminally charged. Perhaps even hit them with federal civil rights violations. (I’ll leave it to those more learned in the law then I am on what charges can and should be brought)

What a lot of these Progressive Fascist scum haven’t considered yet is that an awful lot of people are getting fed up with their antics. People are being attacked and badly injured by these, call them what they are acting like, Nazi Goons, and eventually, people will start defending themselves. There has already been one incident where one of these “Peace loving” progressives, in the process of “Peacefully beating the hell out of someone, got shot. (Not in California. I think it was either Oregon or Washington State)

At the rate things are ramping up, if these spoiled brats don’t grow up, they’re going to run straight into the worst case scenario, a full on Bracken scenario. I’m already seeing people on Facebook talking about this, and not wanting to go that route. However, if push comes to shove, the Moonbat Progressives are going to find out the hard way just what happens when they push to hard.

No one wants to see this. I certainly don’t. This is the absolute worst thing that could happen and what it would lead to would be a nightmare. When Donald Trump won the election, a large segment of the American population breathed a deep sigh of relief, and put the guns they had taken out the night before, back into the closets. Now these leftists, who are showing that they have no regard to civil discourse or the rights of others, are pissing off the most heavily armed segment of the American Population. (They’re also pissing off a lot of others who didn’t vote for Trump)

President Trump has a huge mess to clean up, and these rioters are one part of it. They can’t stand the thought that their socialist views have been repudiated, rejected and tossed into the trash. Rather then sit back and think about why, they’ve decided that they will act like spoiled children. Well the spoiled children had better consider what happens next. Act up to much, and you end up with a good spanking.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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