Betsy DeVos nomination problem

Good day all. One of President Trump’s nominees, Betsy DeVos, is having some problems on Capitol Hill. It isn’t anything disreputable or questionable in her background. Rather, it’s the Teachers unions.

Ms. DeVos, who has been nominated to head up, (And preferably burn to the ground), the Department of Education. She is not a fan of the current education system, which has morphed over the decades into a political reeducation system. She is a big fan of school choice and getting rid of bad, crooked or incompetent teachers.

This has put her in the gun sights of the various Teachers Unions. The last thing the unions want is any accountability for their membership. Because of this, they are pulling out all the stops to prevent Ms. DeVos from taking control of their pet agency. As of now, there are two RINO’s who have said they won’t support her. Here are the details from The Daily Caller:

Two Republican senators who said they would not vote to support Betsy DeVos Wednesday have a friendly history with teachers unions.

In other words, bought and paid for.

Republican Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska and Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine both announced Wednesday that they would not support Betsy DeVos, President Donald Trump’s choice to lead the Department of Education.

Senator Collins is not noted for her brilliance, and frankly, would be more at home in the Progressive Fascist party. Senator Murkowsky is a Republican in the same way Bernie Sanders is a Democrat. She was a Republican, but in her last election, she lost her primary. Instead, she ran a write in campaign and managed to get reelected as an independent. This could be her last time in office, especially if she sells out President Trump.

Murkowski was endorsed by the Alaska chapter of the National Education Association (NEA) in her 2016 campaign for Senate. The group, which represents 12,000 members who work in Alaska’s public schools, praised Murkowski for her “consistent commitment to improving public education.”

The NEA couldn’t care less about educating our children. They only care about ripping off the taxpayers and funneling money into their coffers, and then into the Democrat party. If they actually did care about education, they would be willing to try new things. Instead, all they care about is more teachers, whatever their qualifications and more money for them. Actual competence is to be avoided at all costs.

A former Parent Teachers Association president in Anchorage, Murkowski said that she has received an “explosion of calls in the past week,” pertaining to DeVos. She said she had received 30,000 calls over the past week, but could not say how many were from her home state of Alaska.

I would hazard a guess that very few of them came from Alaska. Since she and her staff are obviously to stupid to look up area codes, she should resign now and allow the Republican governor to appoint someone who isn’t open to taking bribes donations, from a corrupt organization.

Collins, who has served in the Senate since 1997, received an “A” grade from the National Educators Association (NEA)in 2008. The “A” grade is the highest possible, according to the senator’s own press release. It is based on her voting record and “her co-sponsorship of legislation critical to NEA’s identified legislative priorities.” The “A” rating was also the result of “effective behind-the-scenes advocacy.”

In other words, she is a well paid employee of the NEA and will do whatever they tell her to do. As I said, she hasn’t had an original thought in decades.

The NEA, The American Federation of Teachers (AFT), and the American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) — the latter of which serves as an umbrella organization for dozens of teachers unions — have all fought desperately to block DeVos’s nomination.

No surprise here. If/when she takes her post, she’s going to rip apart the status quo in the Education Department and actually force them to put the children first, not suck up to the unions and NEA.

DeVos is a longtime advocate for alternatives to the traditional public school model. The billionaire philanthropist championed a charter school law in her home state of Michigan, and has pushed for educational choice, school vouchers and tuition tax credits.

Her advocacy and philanthropy reportedly irks the education establishment, who see her as a disruption to the status quo. “What you’re seeing here is a train wreck waiting to happen,” Lily Eskelsen Garcia, president of the NEA, said before Devos’s hearing.

No, want we see here is someone who actually cares about educating, as opposed to indoctrinating them into anti-American, pro-communist totalitarian forms of government. If these two manage to shaft her appointment, then I do see President Trump moving against them. He will deal with their disloyalty, and in a way that catches them totally off guard. Still, the chances of them managing to kill Betsy DeVos nomination aren’t good. At worst, there may be a tie and then Vice President Pence will cast the deciding vote. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that a couple of Democrats may be peeled off and support Ms. DeVos as well. We shall see what happens.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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