An interesting Jobs report

Good day all. I just saw an interesting jobs report. The good news, some 5000 new manufacturing jobs have been added to the economy. Even better news, we lost 10,000 government jobs.

Now that may seem rather harsh for those who lost a job working for the government, but let’s face facts. The government in most cases is far to large. Still, this is an important milestone. For years, it’s been the other way around. More government jobs have been created and manufacturing jobs have been lost. Here are the details on this from CNSNEWS:

The United States gained 5,000 jobs in manufacturing in January while losing 10,000 in government, according to numbers released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In December, jobs in government in the United States outnumbered jobs in manufacturing by 9,950,000. In January, the margin dropped to 9,935,000.

And who was president during this period? Allow me to provide a hint.

What changed in January? We got a new president and the old one was shipped out to parts “Who gives a damn anyway?”

Over the past year—from January 2016 to January 2017—the United States added 162,000 government jobs, while losing 46,000 manufacturing jobs, according to BLS numbers.

Then comes December. President SCoaMF is winding down his Reign of Error, and America was preparing for the Age of Trump, where American will be Great Again.

In the one month from December 2016 to January 2017, manufacturing jobs rose from 12,336,000 to 12,341,000—for an increase of 5,000.

At the same time, government jobs dropped from 22,286,000 to 22,276,000—a decline of 10,000.

It will be interesting to see what this report will look like a year from now. Personally, I’m hopeful for a massive collapse in the number of government jobs, and a massive increase in the Private Sector jobs.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to An interesting Jobs report

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    If we shitcanned 10,000 government jobs worthless leeches a day for the next year it would be a good start.


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