Donald Trump’s State of the Union address

Good day all. Last night, President Trump gave his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress. Sadly, I fell asleep before it started and missed it. However, I’ve been reading the reports of the speech this morning.

It looks like that, with the usual exceptions, President Trump’s speech was very well received. The Usual Exceptions were the Progressive Democrats who still can’t understand that they are now meaningless and well on their way to irrelevance.

President Trump honored a Navy SEAL, William “Ryan” Owens, during his address. Owens was lost during the raid into Yemen last month. The Congress broke into an extended round of applause, lasting some two minutes apparently. Mrs. Owens, who is still grieving over her loss, sobbed when President Trump introduced her.

Showing their usual contempt, The Democrats, led by House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, remained seated and refused to offer their support to Mrs. Owens for her loss.

President Trump laid out his agenda, including the massive spending project to rebuild the infrastructure of the United States. Many people are concerned that this will be just another government boondoggle, and in the normal course of events, it would be. I suspect that before President Trump asks for one single taxpayer dollar, he’s going to have a survey of what actually needs to be repaired, replaced or expanded.

While the “Usual Suspects” in congress, on both sides of the aisle, will be getting their pork ladles all nice and shiny, I suspect that President Trump will lay down the law on them. We will spend valuable tax money only on what we need, not on Congressman Dinglebottom’s personal bridge to nowhere.

On immigration, President Trump named four people murdered by Illegal Aliens. There are reports that several Democrats brought in “Dreamers”, (Another name for illegal aliens), to the State of the Union address. Talk about not getting the message!

I have the transcript of President Trump’s speech, from The Hill. I plan to watch the speech in it’s entirety later on today. From what I’ve been seeing and reading, Trump’s speech went over with the American people very well. On a forum I follow, there was one poster who, yesterday, said he was going to play a drinking game. Every time President Trump used his usual tag words, he would take a drink. It seems that the poster was forced to remain sober.

The Angry Sister, who really doesn’t support President Trump, said she agreed with 90 percent of what he said. The Diplomad, who is a retired State Department worker, (He finally threw in the towel when Felonia von Pantsuit began her reign of incompetence), who decided to support candidate Trump last spring, commented that he was very impressed with President Trump’s speech. The word he used was “Simply outstanding.”

Wall Street also appears to be very happy with what President Trump said. As of this posting, the Dow Jones is up over 240 points and has blasted through 21000 for the first time ever. (Take THAT Obama!) They see Trump’s plan to Make America Great Again, clean up the tax code and crush the regulatory state as good for business, good for Americans and good for America.

On the presentation of his speech, reminding all that I have not seen it yet, I’ve been reading that while he wasn’t as smooth and polished Ronald Reagan, (And honestly, who would be?), he was far superior to the former president, Barack Obama. According to the Diplomad, who did watch the speech,

There was little in the way of fancy rhetorical flourishes and Trump does not have the mellifluous actor’s delivery of Ronald Reagan, but . . . Dang! That was one helluva speech! It was aspirational, inspirational, and practical all at the same time. He spoke some great truths about our time and delivered it in strong, clear language easy to understand and hard to ignore. He was optimistic even as he painted a dire picture of our current state. It was a superb piece of writing, and laid out an ambitious but, I think, doable scheme for the next four to eight years.

The Democrats put up the former governor of Kentucky as their response to President Trump’s speech. Yes, I agree with you. Who? I have no idea what these Progressive Moonbats were thinking. Usually, they will put someone up as their response who they think might be a good presidential candidate. Hell, they should have put up Tulsi Gabbard and let her speak. Of course, she isn’t a Progressive Moonbat with his or her head up their ass. She’s actually liked and respected by Trump and the Republicans. That’s probably why she wasn’t asked.

So, all in all it appears that President Trump gave a great speech. Compare it to what we’ve had to endure for the last 8 years, and what we would have had to deal with if Felonia von Pantsuit had won.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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I am the Angry Webmaster! Fear Me!
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