The next President of France should be?

Barack Obama? Good day all. Fresh off his eight years of Making American Weak, Barack Obama has been looking for something to do. Well, there is a petition to have him become the next President of France.

There is an actual petition with over 40,000 signatures urging Der Fubar to run for President of France. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

The slogan in French is, “Oui, on peut,” which translates into “Yes, we can.”

But should you, really?

Former President Obama is a U.S. citizen, which means he is an ineligible candidate, but that did not stop 42,000 supporters in the country to sign an online petition urging him to run.

Oh, I’m sure we can work something out.

The New York Times reported that many voters in France are unable to identify many of the 12 candidates.

12 candidates? Is that all they have?

The paper reported that some political organizers in the country have been placing red-white-and-blue posters with Obama’s picture on city streets.

There isn’t one man or woman that we can project ourselves onto, someone we would want to vote for and fight for without hesitation, someone who unites people and has a strong aura,” one of the organizers told the paper.

Well, who am I to argue with the French Electorate. If they want Barack Obama to screw up their country even worse than it already is, then by all means, he should renounce his United States Citizenship, (Not that it ever meant much to him in the first place), and France should expedite the process to make him eligible to run for the office in France.

What do you think? Should Barack Obama give up his citizenship and run for the French Presidency? Vote in my poll.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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Should Barack Obama renounce his citizenship and become the President of France?

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One Response to The next President of France should be?

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    Any thing that will get him out of here is good.


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