Book deal for the Obama’s…

Or, “How I conned the American People for 8 years by Barack Obama”, and “How to starve children and waste money by Michelle Obama.” Good day all. As you might have guessed from my opening remarks, the Obama’s have signed a book deal worth millions.

If history is any judge, these will only make the New York Slimes best seller list if the Slimes rigs the numbers… Which they will… Because, fake news. In any case, the Obama’s, who’s only skills appear to be getting other people to pay for their lifestyle, have managed to score a book deal with a $60 million dollars. Here are the sickening details from Axios:

Former president Barack Obama and former First Lady Michelle Obama have signed with Penguin Random House, according to a press release. The news followed a bidding war that reportedly exceeded $60 million for publishing rights to both their books, according to the FT. The exact numbers of the deal were not disclosed.

The priciest presidential book deal before the Obamas was Bill Clinton’s 2004 memoir, which was bought for $15 million.

Oh that has to really frost Felonia’s balls. Of course, she is a complete and utter failure, and honestly, no one ever wanted to hear what she said in the first place. That’s why her last “book” was tossed into the remainders bin within weeks of publishing.

I wonder if Der Fubar is actually going to write his “memoirs” this time or if he will just hand it off to another ghost writer. We have his first “Books” that were published before he scammed his way into office, and frankly, they’re crap. As for Michelle Obama? I would be surprised if she knows how to write a grocery list.

I did a bit of research and it looks like the publisher is not a publicly traded company. This is a good thing since the shareholders would probably demand the scalps of whoever signed this deal. What I see this as, is a way to keep the Obama’s off the welfare roles from their supporters. It’s not like they’ve ever accomplished anything in their lives. Well, anything useful that is.

I have no doubt that whatever drivel these two produce will only sell to their die hard fanatics. I really doubt that the publisher will recoup their advance. Maybe they’re doing this as a tax write-off? It can’t be that they actually expect these books to sell. I won’t be buying them, not even for toilet paper.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Book deal for the Obama’s…

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    I might, from a used book store or garage sale, if I had a table that needed something under a leg for balance.


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