“Dreamer” picked up after press conference

Good day all. Since President Trump took office, there has been “fear” among the Illegal Aliens that they might actually be deported. Wednesday, an illegal alien “dreamer”, held a press conference in Jackson Mississippi about her fears that she would be deported.

Right after her press conference, agents from Immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, arrested her and her brother and father. Here are the details from The Clarion-Ledger:

Moments after an immigrant spoke out about her fears of deportation, she was detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Daniela Vargas, 22, was detained by ICE agents Wednesday morning, shortly after speaking at a news conference in downtown Jackson, according to her attorney, Abby Peterson.

Well what did you think was going to happen you moron? You painted a great big bullseye on your back, and ICE was more than happy to harpoon you and reel you in.

The news conference was hosted by local immigration attorneys, churches and the Mississippi Immigrants Rights Alliance to bring attention to families impacted by deportation.

Excuse me? This press conference was set up by lawyers and they brought in an illegal alien to speak? I’m assuming they knew that she was not in this country legally. Isn’t there something in the Canon’s of Ethics about knowingly putting your client into legal jeopardy or something?

Vargas was 7 years old when her family came to America from Argentina, placing her under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, immigration policy. Under the policy, DACA recipients have to reapply every two years. Vargas’ DACA is expired but her renewal application is pending.

As I understand it, DACA was a policy set up by Executive Order signed by the SCoaMF, Barack Obama. Shortly after the Great Mistake left office, President Trump revoked that order. There are other details I’ve heard, but haven’t confirmed as yet, that Vargas didn’t put in for her renewal when it was due, which was prior to the election. If true, then Ms. Vargas is stupid as well as a criminal. In an update to the story, Associated “With Fake News” Press reports that Vargas will be shipped out asap.

The attorney for a young woman who was arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement after speaking at a news conference about immigration says she’s been told the woman will be deported without a hearing.

Abigail Peterson, an attorney for 22-year-old Daniela Vargas, tells news outlets that authorities informed her Thursday that Vargas’ case will be handled as a “visa waiver overstay,” which means she won’t be given a hearing and will be flown back to her native Argentina.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVrEwCa8nSA’]

I’m not up on how this works, but I’m assuming that Vargas could already be on a plane back to Argentina even as I post this. I suspect that she’s also going to be permanently barred from entering the United States. As for her lawyer? If she was aware that her client, (And how come Vargas could afford a lawyer but couldn’t come up with the filing fee, which was her excuse for missing the deadline?), was going to speak at that press conference, and didn’t try to stop her, or worse, encouraged her to speak. Then she needs to be sanctioned by the State Bar association.

As for Ms. Vargas and her family? Good bye and good riddance. Consider yourselves lucky considering all the tax money you took from American Citizens and lawful Resident Aliens. Somehow I doubt you paid for your own education, or anything else.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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