L.A. Mayor thinks enforcing the law could cause riots

Good day all. Since President Trump took office, ICE, (Immigration and Customs Enforcement), has been slowly ramping up, rounding up illegal aliens and deporting them. This has sent the Progressive Democrats into apoplexy.

Now the Mayor of Los Angeles is saying that he’s worried that actually enforcing the law could cause the criminal class to riot. Here are the details from The Hill:

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti (D) in a recent radio interview said he is concerned that increased Immigration & Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids under the Trump administration could cause already high tensions in his city to boil over.

If something goes wrong, I fear a tinderbox out there, you know where people will suddenly say ‘no’ and try to defend. You know, keep that person from being taken,” Garcetti told Latino USA.

That’s a very dangerous situation. That’s dangerous for those officers. That’s dangerous for those agents. And we’re going to have to respond.”

What does that say about how you’re administering the city Mayor? Perhaps you should stop sucking up to criminals and start paying attention to citizens and lawful resident aliens.

Garcetti noted that the city has built trust between the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and the immigrant community that could be affected by aggressive immigration actions, like those promised by President Trump and Attorney General Jeff Sessions.

We just commemorated, you know, 25 years since the urban unrest and we know how quickly things can explode,” Garcetti said, referencing the 1992 riots that followed the acquittal of several LAPD officers in the beating of Rodney King.

Allow me to make a small change here. When you refer to the “Immigrant Community” you aren’t talking about those who came to the United States lawfully, are you? You’re talking about the border jumpers who can’t be bothered with little things like visa’s, green cards, etc. Am I correct?

Are you aware that most lawful immigrants despise illegal aliens? No? Allow me to explain then. Those who come to the United States in a lawful manner have to jump through hoops to gain all the proper paperwork and permissions. It isn’t easy and it can take years. I speak from personal experience moron. When lawful immigrants see people like you coddling and protecting those who just hopped the border then demanded welfare and other services, they tend to get rather angry.

But when ICE calls themselves police, people open that door expecting to see LAPD. It’s bad for ICE, and it’s bad for LAPD,” he said.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news dumbass, but Federal Agents are technically police. They usually announce themselves as federal agents, though, and if they’re pulling a raid, they’ve usually got the site surrounded. The fact of the matter is, all illegal aliens are, by definition, criminals. They entered the United States illegally, and they are here illegally. They are evading taxes, they may be using false or stolen identification and they are stealing services to which they are not entitled.

You and the other Progressive Liberal Democrats, (Is there any other kind these days?) have stopped putting Americans, Lawful Resident Aliens and the United States first. Now all you care about is how you can use criminals to gain more money and power unto yourselves. Keep it up and soon you too will be looking at the inside of a cell.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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