What do you mean no popcorn!?!?!

Good day all. I’ve read, seen and posted many things highlighting the rampaging stupidity of people, but I think this one has to take the cake. Why cake? Well, it seems a movie theater was out of popcorn and a patron wasn’t happy.

In fact he was so unhappy, he punched a cop. Here are the details of what has to be the stupidest person on earth from Yahoo News:

A 50-year-old Tennessee man was arrested and charged with assault and disorderly conduct after he could not buy the popcorn he wanted while attending a movie, police said on Tuesday.

Paul West, of Clarksville, Tennessee, was charged with throwing an empty popcorn container at a theater employee and then punching and trying to bite the police officer who responded to the scene at 11:30 p.m. local time on Monday, Clarksville, Tennessee, Police spokesman Jim Knoll said by telephone.

“I haven’t ever had anybody upset over popcorn,” said Knoll, a civilian employee who previously worked 22 years on the Clarksville police force. The town is 45 miles northwest of Nashville.

West took an empty popcorn container from the trash and demanded a refill, police said. After staff refused to fill the container, he threw it at the employee, knocked over a display and disappeared into a theater, police said.

Dude! It was just popcorn. They had closed the concession stand. All you had to do was say “Aww damn it! Thanks anyway. But nooo! You had to be a numbskull.

Officer Jennifer Renken responded to the complaint, saw the damage West caused, found him in the theater and attempted to detain him, at which point West threw a trash can at her and punched her several times in the face. He also tried to bite Renken, police said. Renken suffered minor injuries in the altercation.

Well, I hope you enjoy the next venue. I wonder if it will be a county lockup or a state penitentiary? Punching a cop, and then trying to eat her, (And not in a way a woman might enjoy, wink, wink, nudge, nudge, say no more), is probably going to get you a couple of years making little rocks out of big ones.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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