Welcome to the Felonia von Pantsuit Blame Tour

Good day all. Last week, Felonia von Pantsuit started her latest “It’s all/the (Fill in the blank) fault that I lost the election” tour.

Felonia, or as she is known to her sycophants, Hillary Clinton, is still refusing to accept that she isn’t the Dictator President of the United States. Felonia, never the most stable of people to begin with, has come completely off the rails of late. Her list of people or groups responsible for her blowing the election is growing by leaps and bounds. Here are a few of the details from Polizette:

Hillary Clinton spoke to Goldman Sachs for the very simple reason that she got paid, the former Democratic presidential candidate told an audience at Recode’s annual coding conference in Rancho Palos Verdes, California.

Well duh! Of course she got paid. The question is, was she paid, or paid off? However, that’s for another day. Right now, it’s all about Felonia and who she thinks is responsible for her defeat.

Clinton took the opportunity to blame numerous players for her Nov. 8 election defeat, and also to justify her use of the term “vast right-wing conspiracy” all the way back in 1998. The “conspiracy” against her, she suggested, is still alive.

Clinton, speaking to Recode founders Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher, said she didn’t lose because of her own choices or flaws — such as taking money to speak to big banks, or her odd failure to substantially campaign in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and Michigan.

I take responsibility for every decision I made, but that’s not why I lost,” said Clinton, blaming Russia, “weaponized information,” the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, and many more players.

Oh, she’s lost it alright, if she ever had it in the first place.

Clinton blamed propaganda and “content” that was used by President Donald Trump’s campaign and allies to influence voters in a covert type of manner.

That’s called “Campaigning” and “Opposition research.” What President Trump did was just throw your own words and deeds back in your face.

Clinton blamed “the other side” for using “content farms” and fake news to target her.

Would someone please tell me what the heck a “Content farm” is? Is that like the internet or something?

How about lies?” said Mossberg, to applause from the liberal-leaning audience.

How about demonstrating what the lie was Mossberg? As I recall, no one stated that the information that came from the DNC or John Podesta’s email was manufactured.

While Clinton told Mossberg and Swisher she did not engage in lies during her campaign, she said Trump’s side did.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gbp_JQ7RxqM’]

Clinton also raised the theory that “1,000 Russian agents” were working every day to make sure that distorted “content” was appearing before internet users. Clinton did not cite her source for the claim.

The source? She was sitting on it of course.

Another bizarre claim Clinton made was that Trump advisers Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway were chosen to run the final months of the Trump campaign because of the urging of Cambridge Analytica, which is owned by billionaire Rebecca Mercer and family.

Bannon and Conway did not immediately return a request from LifeZette to respond.

They’re probably still laughing to hard to give a response.

The question of data was on Clinton’s mind, quite a bit, and not just because she was at a coding conference. Clinton laid out a three-part conspiracy in which weaponized information was coordinated on Facebook and elsewhere. Clinton came very close to suggesting Cambridge Analytica coordinated with the Russians.

The three-part conspiracy started, Clinton said, when the Russians stole information from the Democrats and Clinton’s campaign manager, John Podesta.

The next step was coordination, Clinton said. There was no possible way, Clinton said, that the Russians would know how to distribute the information in the most damaging way, without American help.

Terrific. Now she’s insulted the Russian GRU and KGB FSB. When it comes to spreading disinformation, when they want to, the Russians flat out invented the game. In this case, they didn’t need to. They’re firm believers in the Napoleon doctrine on aiding potential enemies.

Clinton brushed aside the fact that WikiLeaks began leaking the information on Oct. 7, because she said WikiLeaks is the same thing as the Russian secret service.

“The Russians, in my opinion, and based on the intel and counterintel people I’ve talked to, could not have known how best to weaponize that information unless they had been guided,” said Clinton. “Guided by Americans. And guided by people who had polling and data and information.”

I’m not a mental health professional, however, Felonia appears to me to be paranoid, delusional sociopath. Another way to put it, Felonia is nuttier then a fruitcake. Felonia von Pantsuit almost became the President of these United States. The damage she would have done, in my unschooled opinion, probably would have led to an outright armed insurrection with all the horrors that would have entailed.

Instead, we have a person who is so far around the bend, that many of her own former supporters are saying “Enough! Just go away!” Barack Obama was well known for thinking he was an expert on everything. He surrounded himself with Yes men and women who were also just as hateful of everything that made America the leader of the free world.

Felonia von Pantsuit would have been far, far worse. If she had won the election, her stupefying incompetence would have come out. Even her propaganda machine, better known as the Main Stream Media would have had a hard time covering up for her. As we’ve recently learned, Obama started spying on his opposition. Felonia von Pantsuit, aka Hillary Clinton, would have probably gone full tyrant. Her recent comments and refusal to believe she was the major cause of her defeat only tell me that we dodged a major bullet November 8th, 2016.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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