Bloomies thinks he’s in charge

Good day all. Hot on the heels of President Trump’s pulling out from the Paris Accords, and the Eurotrash leaders saying they would ignore Trump and deal with governors and business leaders, comes former New York City Mayor, Michael A. Bloomberg.

Bloomberg, or “Bloomies” as I call him, seems to think that he’s in charge. Over the years he’s spent 10’s of millions to suppress the 2nd Amendment, and has worked tirelessly to institute Rule by the Elite. Now this walking diaper stain has announced that he, personally, will see to it that the Paris Accords are implemented in the United States. Here are the details from Yahoo News:

Former New York Mayor Mike Bloomberg is organizing an effort by governors, mayors, business leaders and other private citizens to make sure that Americans play an active role in the Paris Agreement — with or without the federal government.

Bloomberg, the founder and CEO of the media and financial company Bloomberg LP, announced late Thursday that he will lead a group in supporting the efforts of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) to help countries fulfill their commitments to the Paris climate accord.

This is the level of delusion of Moonbats in general and Bloomies in particular. He thinks that he can force the average Americans to literally harm their economic future for the sake of the religion of Global Warming and Climate Change. You would think he would consider his track record with regards to banning the 2nd Amendment before he starts his latest boondogle.

Americans are not walking away from the Paris Climate Agreement,” he said in a statement. “Just the opposite — we are forging ahead. Mayors, governors, and business leaders from both political parties are signing onto a statement of support that we will submit to the UN — and together, we will reach the emission reduction goals the U.S. made in Paris in 2015.”

So, Bloomies is, in the typical style of Rich, Progressive, Liberals everywhere, ignoring what the real people of this nation want and telling them what they are going to do…or else. Yeah, that isn’t going to work real well, any more than his antics as Mayor running “investigations” into firearms dealers did. (He was outright told to knock it off or else. He either blew, or came close to blowing several federal investigations)

If successful, this will be the first time U.S. citizens, local and state officials circumvented the federal government to negotiate an agreement with the United Nations.

And that can result in criminal charges, up to and including treason.

Carl Pope, the former Sierra Club executive director, says this kind of effort, enlisting nongovernment groups in international discussions alongside diplomats from nation-states, has not taken place in more than 350 years, since the treaty of Westphalia was signed in the 17th century.

In 1648, the nations of Europe decided that from now on diplomacy would be entirely and exclusively the business of sovereign nation-states — nobody else got to play. This [the new climate change initiative] is a conscious attempt to reopen diplomacy to multiple stakeholders,” Pope told Yahoo News on Friday.

There’s a reason that Nation-States don’t allow private citizens to run their own foreign policy. They tend to do things that start wars, and when their “Diplomacy” goes sideways, they expect their governments to bail them out.

Trump’s announcement elicited widespread condemnation by heads of state, scientists, concerned citizens and U.S. politicians from both parties.

Both parties? Oh, he’s talking about the Democrats and the Uniparty.

To critics, Trump was reneging on promises made only two years ago and forfeiting the United States’ position as a leader in shaping the clean energy economy of the future. Leaving the Paris Agreement, they contend, will make other countries — even close allies — skeptical of the United States’ ability to keep its word.

Those fools obviously don’t know how the American system of government works. (And have no interest in finding out apparently) The only one who “Gave his word” was Barack Hussein Obama, and his word means less than nothing. If he had actually wanted to put this “Agreement” into effect, he should have submitted it to the Senate for ratification. As I mentioned above, he didn’t for one simple reason. It was doomed to fail.

If he had put the treaty in front of Senate, and they did reject it, that agreement with the Eurotrash leadership would have been flushed down the drain 2 years ago. It didn’t then and doesn’t now have any force of law inside the United States irregardless of what The Great Mistake and his Secretary of State, Ketchup Boy, say.

Bloomies and the other morons may think they can just go around President Trump. If they try, they do so at their own risk. In all probability, Bloomies and the rest of the Hitler Youth Progressive Moonbats are talking a good game, but when the rubber hits the road, and their own personal liberty is at stake, they will bail out faster then a fighter pilot in a burning aircraft.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Bloomies thinks he’s in charge

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    I would encourage Bloomers to support any number of idiotic causes. The more he spreads out the less he will be able to spend on any one, And of course the more international stupidity he gets up to, the better his chances are of taking a long vacation at Club Fed.


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