NSA leaker arrested

Good day all. This story is just breaking. A contractor working for the NSA has been arrested for leaking a highly classified report to the media.

The story came out overnight, but here are the details to date. A 25 year old woman, working as a contractor with the National Security Agency, apparently leaked a highly classified report on Russian attempts at breaking into the American election system. Here are some of the details from The Daily Caller:

The 25-year-old woman who stole “Top Secret” documents from the National Security Agency and leaked them to The Intercept appears to be a supporter of Bernie Sanders and other progressive icons, such as Bill Maher and Michael Moore.

Reality Leigh Winner’s apparent social media footprint also shows that she is a supporter of other liberal causes, including the Women’s March and the Islamic Society of North America, the Muslim civil rights group.

She also recently referred to President Trump as a “piece of shit” because of his position on the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL) protests.

How in the Hell did this idiot get a security clearance with that background? Never mind the documents she stole, (That’s another matter), this woman is a flat out anti-American traitor who shouldn’t have been allowed in the parking lot of the NSA, never mind access to classified information. Whoever passed her along as a “Trusted individual” needs to be fired ASAP.

Winner admitted to FBI agents that she stole the documents and provided them to The Intercept. The news site published an article on Monday that appears to be based on the stolen materials. The Top Secret records show that Russian agents attempted to hack into U.S. voting systems prior to the November election.

I haven’t seen these documents so I can’t really comment on them. However, “Hacking” the American voting system is not easy, or really possible. The United States doesn’t have a centralized system for voting with one standard. You will see everything from computerized voting booths to old fashioned paper ballots and a pencil. However, the information was secret. I’m assuming that the White House and the intelligence committees on both houses of Congress did have access to these reports.

The federal complaint filed against Winner reveals that she stole the classified documents on May 9, four days after they were published by the NSA. She printed the report and sent it through ground mail to The Intercept. On May 30, a reporter with the outlet contacted the NSA inquiring about the documents. The agency then contacted the FBI, which dispatched agents to interview and apprehend Winner at her home in Augusta.

She printed them out and mailed them? Ok, I’ll give her points for originality. These days, all the intelligence services are more geared to electronic transfers of information rather then old fashioned paper. I suspect there’s going to be a review soon.

As for Reality Winner, (Reality? Her parents should be slapped upside the head for that name), she’s looking at a very long time in Club Fed. I have no doubts whatsoever that she is going to be made an example of. I suspect she won’t be released from prison until her blonde hair has long since gone gray. Honestly, I really doubt she’s going to “Make it” in prison either. Reality is going to get a solid dose of “reality” in the next year and it’s going to break her.

Of course, that won’t stop other leftist traitors, just as it didn’t stop the communist traitors that infested the State Department and other government agencies back in the first half of the 20th century. Their goal is the destruction of America and the building of their idea of “Utopia.”


~The Angry Webmaster~

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