Proof that the Paris Accord was never about the Climate

Good day all. It’s been about a week since president Trump announced he was pulling out of the Paris Climate treaty, aka the Paris Accord. When he announced he was pulling out, one of the reasons he gave was the massive hit to the American economy this would have caused.

President Trump offered to talk to the others about renegotiating the treaty to make it a better deal for the United States. The Europeans have rejected that idea out of hand. Here are the details from The Guardian:

The European Union has rejected Donald Trump’s offer to renegotiate the Paris climate agreement and pledged instead to bypass Washington to work with US business leaders and state governors to implement the historic accord’s commitments.

Well, there are a few problems with that plan. First, the only governors who have announced that they’re going to shaft their own constituents are mismanaging deep Blue states, such as California and New York. States such as Texas are going to laugh at them and the Eurotrash, all the way to the bank.

As for the private sector, while they talk a good game, the fact of the matter is, most of them were expecting to get massive taxpayer subsidies. Now that those are gone, they’re going to have to spend their own funds. I think, at least for the publicly traded companies, the shareholders might not be thrilled to see their dividends going to some Third World kleptocrat instead of their own bank accounts.

Less than 24 hours after the US president announced his decision to withdraw from the 2015 agreement and strike a new, less ambitious deal with the rest of the world, Brussels declared its outright refusal to engage in such talks.

And here we see the snobs, globalists and either Eurotrash thinking that they actually are relevant in the United States. They might want to reconsider how they proceed. They are starting to come close to an “Act of War.”

EU officials will instead cut out the White House to deal directly with the US states and major corporations, many of whom have already pledged to live by the terms forged in Paris.

What private corporations do and how they spend their money is their business. If they put themselves at a disadvantage, they will run out of money or their management will be forcibly replaced at the next shareholders meeting.

As for the governors?They need to be very careful or they’re going to find themselves running afoul of the constitutionally mandated handling of foreign affairs. That is firmly in the hands of the Federal Government, not the states. If they try raping their taxpayers and funneling the money to the EU, they’re going to find themselves out of office in very short order.

In 2015, nearly 200 countries agreed in Paris to curb greenhouse gas emissions in order to prevent the runaway climate change that would occur should temperatures spiral 2C or more above the pre-industrial era.

In a worst case scenario, the US withdrawal could add 0.3C to global temperatures by the end of the century, the UN World Meteorological Organisation said.

Donald Tusk, the president of the European council, described Trump’s withdrawal from the Paris pact as a big mistake, but said the fight against climate change would continue with or without the US.

Strong transatlantic ties are far more important and far more durable than the latest unfortunate decisions of the new administration,” Tusk said, as he addressed a joint press conference with the Chinese prime minister, Li Keqiang, at the end of an EU-China summit in Brussels.

China and Europe have demonstrated solidarity with future generations and responsibility for the whole planet,” Tusk added, in reference to a joint EU-China statement that vowed to “step up” efforts on global warming, including the raising of $100bn a year by 2020 to help poorer countries cut emissions.

If Tusk thinks the Chinese are going to hand over $100 billion, the I want some of whatever he’s smoking. I’ve been to China. Walking out of the hotel and into the open air can be like walking into a brick wall, the air pollution is so bad. The Chinese government doesn’t care. They’re to busy building their economy and they aren’t going to let some Eurotrash twit stop them.

Miguel Arias Cañete, the European commissioner for climate action, said the global agreement would not be allowed to fall at the whim of a domestic election. “The Paris agreement is fit for purpose,” the Spanish politician said, gripping a copy of the document that 195 countries have pledged to support. “The Paris agreement is here to stay. The 29 articles of this Paris agreement are not to be renegotiated. They are to be implemented. That’s what the EU will do.”

And here we see just what the European Union’s leadership thinks of Democracy. They’re not interested in it. It gets in their way of instituting their Globalist, totalitarian agenda. They assumed that Felonia von Pantsuit was going to be the next president and knew that as long as she was getting her kickbacks, she would go along with whatever the EU wanted. President Trump’s winning the election threw a major league monkey wrench into their plans.

He added: “The fight against climate change cannot depend on the result of elections in one country of another. When a country signs an international agreement it has to fulfil its commitments. There will be new administrations. I’m pretty sure President Trump hasn’t read the articles of this treaty. There is nothing to renegotiate here.”

Actually he did read it, as did many in the United States Senate. There’s a reason that The Great Mistake never submitted the treaty to the Senate. He knew that once they dug into it, the Senate would see it as an utter disaster for the United States economy and reject it outright. With that rejection, and the fact that the EU won’t be able to suppress the United States Economy for their own benefit, European manufacturers are beginning to rethink their support for the Paris Accord.

Germany’s powerful car industry also claimed that Europe would need to reassess its environmental standards to remain competitive after the US withdrawal.

What’s to reassess? They weren’t paying any attention to them in the first place. Just ask Volkswagon and their recent problems with emission standards. Unfortunately, the German Government isn’t going to let facts get in their way.

However, the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, showed no signs that her resolve was weakening on the deal, insisting that Trump “can’t and won’t stop all those of us who feel obliged to protect the planet”. She added the move by the US was “extremely regrettable and that’s putting it very mildly”.

Merkel has essentially destroyed Germany. I’m not up on the elections over there, and I certainly don’t claim to understand their processes, but I would be surprised, (Unpleasantly), if Merkel is still Chancellor in 2 years. However, this is Europe and the Europeans are noted for being, if nothing else, suicidally stupid.

India, despite facing the challenge of meeting the energy needs of millions of people who do not have electricity, firmly stood by the Paris agreement. The energy minister, Piyush Goyal, said: “India’s resolve to take up the leadership of saving the planet from climate change while others abrogate their leadership.”

I suspect they are looking at the billions of Euro’s that will be flowing into India from the European taxpayers. They had planned on looting the United States Treasury, but thanks to President Trump, the vault door has been slammed shut and the locks reset.

The Paris Climate treaty was never about the climate. It was always about hamstringing the United States with the eventual goal of making the Untied States a vassal state to either Europe or the United Nations. President Trump’s crushing defeat of the Globalists best friend, Felonia von Pantsuit, has ruined those plans.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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2 Responses to Proof that the Paris Accord was never about the Climate

  1. VoiceOf Reason says:

    Who said the US was abandoning all efforts to save the environment?

  2. Vulcanrider says:

    And of course the fact that the whole thing is NON-binding ensures that countries like China and India are off the hook…


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