Kathy Griffin ends her career

Good day all. I’ve commented repeatedly on how the Progressive Liberal Democrats are suffering from mass insanity. Since the election of President Trump, they have made the combined meltdowns of Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear reactors look like minor overheating problems in comparison.

Barking Moonbat

The latest bit of insanity occurred about a week ago when the alleged comedian, Kathy Griffin posed for a picture with a mock severed head of President Trump. As you might expect, Griffin is not a fan of President Trump, which is why she decided to end her career in this manner.

Griffin, who had a long term contract to host the New Years Eve show for CNN was fired almost immediately. Other scheduled performances by Griffin have also been canceled, and even many long time moonbats are distancing themselves from her. Being the typical Progressive Liberal that she is, Kathy Griffin promptly blamed President Trump for all her self inflicted problems. Here are some of the details from Fox News:

Kathy Griffin broke down in tears during a news conference the comedian and her lawyers held Friday to discuss the fallout from the comedian posing with a likeness of President Donald Trump’s severed head. Griffin addressed the backlash that followed the photo being published on Tuesday, telling reporters her career is over after she says the Trump family systematically “mobilized their armies” against her.

“I’m going to be honest,” she said through tears. “He broke me, he broke me, he broke me.”

As we can see, this is the standard behavior of the Barking Moonbat. Griffin can’t see that her actions are why she is having problems. In the narcissistic world of the Progressive Liberal, it’s always someone else’s fault.

When asked by a reporter if she has heard from her New Year’s Eve co-host Anderson Cooper, she shook her head while holding back tears.

“It’s hurtful to me,” Griffin said. “There’s a bunch of old white guys trying to silence me and I’m just here to say that it’s wrong.”

I see someone has been following the Felonia von Pantsuit method of blaming everyone else for her own catastrophic failure.

Griffin, 56, said she stands by the apology she issued hours after the photo first broke Tuesday saying she “feel[s] horrible” people took the photo as a threat of violence. She said she plans to continue to make fun of the president as is her First Amendment right, her lawyer, civil rights attorney Lisa Bloom reiterated at Friday’s press conference.

What the Hell does she need a lawyer for, especially one who specializes, allegedly, in the 1st Amendment? This isn’t a 1st Amendment issue. If anything, this idiot needs a lawyer specializing in entertainment contracts. Oh wait, I understand it now. Griffin is under the mistaken impression that non-governmental corporations, such as CNN, are required to pay her to be a moron, and if they fire her, they are suppressing her right of free speech.

She also repeated her claim that the video was a parody, meant as a pointed comeback to Trump’s remark last summer that journalist Megyn Kelly had “blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of wherever.”

Megyn who?

The comedian confirmed she has been contacted by the Secret Service and said she fears being arrested.

Oh I doubt that. While I do believe she was contacted by the Secret Service, I have no doubt that they quickly, like in 10 minutes, concluded that while she is a definite danger to her career, she is no threat to President Trump. This is just standard operating procedure for the Secret Service.

When people hung The Great Mistake in effigy, a noted American tradition, they would also look into that to see if there was anything they should be worried about. These sort of “Investigations, take little more than a couple of phone calls and are nothing more than the agents dotting the “I’s” and crossing the “T’s” on their reports. Meanwhile, the cancellations of Griffin’s shows have been increasing.

The outcry against the comedian continues to grow with at least four venues announcing that they had canceled her performances. Venues in New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania have canceled shows.

[youtuber youtube=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsa1ZvzFgvU’]

The Community Arts Theater in Williamsport, Pennsylvania, posted on its website that the show had been dropped “due to the recent controversy surrounding Kathy Griffin and the concern for the safety and security of our patrons and staff.”

Now that is a nice dodge. Other than a few real nutcases, I haven’t heard anyone making threats towards Griffin or the places that haven’t canceled her shows. For many people, myself included, when Griffin’s stunt with the head came out, the response was “Who is Kathy Griffin?” Speaking of nutcases, Griffin’s lawyer decided to help with the hole digging.

“The message is clear,” Bloom stated. “Criticize the president lose your job and that’s what happened to Kathy…it stops here, it stops now.”

I’m going to question Lisa Bloom’s competence. It’s either that or question her ethics. She knows perfectly well that this is not a 1st Amendment issue. It isn’t the government that’s shutting down Griffin’s shows, it’s the private venues that are firing her. If Bloom is planning on using the 1st Amendment as a line of attack, she is going to lose and lose big time.

The other possibility, and I would prefer to be wrong, is she knows damn well Griffin doesn’t have a 1st Amendment, civil rights case and is simply looking at Griffin as a big, fat piggy bank she’s going to loot. If the latter, that’s going to blow up in her face. Honestly, Bloom should have refused to take this on, and handed it to one who deals with contracts. This isn’t a 1st Amendment issue, it’s a contract violation issue. Nothing more.

Kathy Griffin torpedoed her own career with her blind hatred of President Trump. Now she is suffering the consequences of her actions, probably for the first time in her adult life, and is looking to blame everyone else. My dear kathy, might I suggest that you study up on the Rule of Holes? When you find yourself in one, STOP DIGGING!


~The Angry Webmaster~

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