CNN pulling back on “Russia owns Trump!” stories

Good day all. CNN has been one of the Democrats best propaganda machines when it came to fake news about the Russians colluding with the Trump team prior to the election. Only the New York Times and Washington Post have been more in the tank.

Well, it looks like CNN has been burned once to often on the “All Russians, All the time!” stories. Last Friday, (June 23, 2017), CNN had to retract a story that made a claim regarding further investigations by the Congress. The only problem with it, it wasn’t true. Now CNN is imposing new restrictions on it’s hacks regarding anything to do with Russia. Here are some details from Buzzfeed:

CNN is imposing strict new publishing restrictions for online articles involving Russia after the network deleted a story and then issued a retraction late Friday, according to an internal email obtained by BuzzFeed News.

The email went out at 11:21 a.m. on Saturday from Rich Barbieri, the CNNMoney executive editor, saying “No one should publish any content involving Russia without coming to me and Jason [Farkas],” a CNN vice president.

“This applied to social, video, editorial, and MoneyStream. No exceptions,” the email added. “I will lay out a workflow Monday.”

Oh this has the sound of the CNN legal department screaming to the high heavens when they found out what Thomas Frank put out there. As to the story, this is what Buzzfeed found out:

The now-deleted story, by investigative reporter Thomas Frank, was published Thursday and cited a single, unnamed source who claimed that the Senate Intelligence Committee was looking into a “$10-billion Russian investment fund whose chief executive met with a member of President Donald Trump’s transition team four days before Trump’s inauguration.”

Once again, the Mostly Stupid Media posted a major story based entirely on “Unnamed sources” or in this case, a single source. This time, it looks like someone pushed back and hard. The story and all links to it went down the memory hole faster than Obama’s legacy. Returning to what the new rules are for CNN, it looks like they are going across the board, not just with the Fake News department.

The new restrictions also apply to other areas of the network — not just CNNMoney, which wasn’t involved with the article that was deleted and retracted.

I would say that the lawyers were really pissed when they found out what was going on with that story.

A source close to the network, who requested anonymity to discuss the matter, told BuzzFeed News earlier that the story was a “massive, massive fuck up and people will be disciplined.” The person said CNN Worldwide President Jeff Zucker and the head of the company’s human resources department are “directly involved” in an internal investigation examining how the story was handled.

And that means people are probably going to be fired. I have a sneaking suspicion that there was no “anonymous source” at all and that the story was made up out of whole cloth, probably to try and get another investigation going to tie up President Trump. Someone checked out the story and BOOM! I suspect that in the coming weeks, we’re going to hear about certain people quietly leaving CNN.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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