Illegal aliens afraid to come to the United States

And the New York Slimes is not happy about it. Good day all. The New York Slimes ran a story today meant to pull at the heart strings of America over the 4th of July weekend. It seems that all those “Undocumented workers” who want to come to the United States, but not bother with pesky things like a visa, are staying home.

The reason they aren’t sneaking across the border? The poor innocent criminals are afraid of what will happen if they get caught. Here are the details from the New York Slimes:

His bags were packed, and the smuggler was ready. If all went well, Eswin Josué Fuentes figured he and his 10-year-old daughter would slip into the United States within days. Then, the night before he planned to leave, he had a phone conversation with a Honduran friend living illegally in New York. Under President Trump, the friend warned, the United States was no longer a place for undocumented migrants.

Aww, isn’t that to bad? The Big Bad Donald is doing something totally unreasonable. He’s actually enforcing the immigration laws and rounding up illegal aliens. Why that’s just mean.

Shaken, Mr. Fuentes abruptly ditched his plans in May and decided to stay here in Honduras, despite its unrelenting violence and poverty. He even passed up the $12,000 in smuggler fees that his sister in the United States had lined up for the journey.

I got scared of what’s happening there,” Mr. Fuentes said.

Good. You should be. We aren’t taking captured illegals out and shooting them, that would be wrong. No, what we’re doing now is so much worse. We’re shipping their illegal asses back to the Third World hellholes you came from.

While some of Mr. Trump’s most ambitious plans to tighten the border are still a long way off, particularly his campaign pledge to build a massive wall, his hard-line approach to immigration already seems to have led to sharp declines in the flow of migrants from Central America bound for the United States.

From February through May, the number of undocumented immigrants stopped or caught along the southwest border of the United States fell 60 percent from the same period last year, according to United States Customs and Border Protection — evidence that far fewer migrants are heading north, officials on both sides of the border say.

Let me guess? That makes the entire staff, those who haven’t been laid off yet, so very sad.

Inside the United States, the Trump administration has cast a broader enforcement net, including reversing Obama-era rules that put a priority on arresting serious criminals and mostly left other undocumented immigrants alone. Arrests of immigrants living illegally in the United States have soared, with the biggest increase coming among those migrants with no criminal records.

The reason they don’t have records is that, until now, they hadn’t been caught yet. They have one now, illegal entry into the United States. I also suspect a number of other crimes such as tax evasion, welfare fraud, identity theft, forgery, just to name a few.

The shift has sown a new sense of fear among undocumented immigrants in the United States. In turn, they have sent a warning back to relatives and friends in their homelands: Don’t come.

The message is loud and clear here in Honduras. Manuel de Jesús Ríos Reyes, 55, stood in the unforgiving sun outside a reception center for deportees from the United States. His wife, who tried to cross the American border illegally in March, was on an incoming flight. Mindful of the warnings from the United States, Mr. Ríos had urged her not to go. “She didn’t pay attention,” he recalled. “Now she’s here. Thank God, she’s alive.”

Yeah, she might have been taken to one of the FEMA extermination camps and gassed. Oh Wait! We don’t do that. No, we just send these criminals home.

Migrant smugglers in Honduras say their business has dried up since Mr. Trump took office. Fewer buses have been leaving the northern Honduran city of San Pedro Sula bound for the border with Guatemala, the usual route for Honduran migrants heading overland to the United States. In hotels and shelters along the migrant trail, once-occupied beds go empty night after night.

Marcos, a migrant smuggler based near San Pedro Sula, said that last year he had taken one or two groups each month from Honduras to the United States border. Since Mr. Trump’s inauguration, however, he has had only one client. He blames Mr. Trump.

People think he’s going to kick everyone out of the country,” Marcos said, asking that his full name not be published because of the illegal nature of his work. “Almost nobody’s going.”

That’s because President Trump is going to try very hard to do just that. Kick all the illegals out of the country. Those who come here legally? Come on in! The water’s fine and the beer is cold.

Instead, many potential migrants in the Northern Triangle are choosing to sit tight and endure the poverty and violence that have driven hundreds of thousands to seek work and sanctuary in the United States in recent years.

Well, there’s nothing stopping you from going to the nearest American consulate and fill out all the paperwork to come here legally. Unless you’ve already been caught once and given the boot. Of course, you could also stay home and fix that sewer you call a country. I see no reason why all these countries have remained nothing more than upholstered toilets for literally their entire existence. (Cue the “It’s all America’s fault!” chorus)

For generations, the migration of people from Central America seeking work elsewhere has served as a safety valve for the region, relieving pressure on the labor market and public services. Now, community leaders in Honduras fear that with fewer people migrating in search of opportunities in the United States, poverty will worsen and criminal gangs will find new recruits.

And to that I say, “It’s not our problem.” We’ve made mistakes down there in the past, but for all intents and purposes, especially since the Soviet Union collapsed, we’ve pretty much ignored you. You morons have gulped deeply at the pool of Socialism and Marxism, and as we’re seeing in Venezuela, the money’s run out and you have, as usual, nothing to show for it.

Under normal circumstances, these countries would ship their garbage up to the land of milk, honey and welfare benefits. Well guess what? We’re tired of it and we’re shipping your trash right back down to you. You might think you can wait out President Trump, or he will get tired of Making America Great Again, but you people have worn out your welcome. Unless you follow the laws and come in through lawful means, we’re going to stop you and ship you back. Do yourselves a favor. Clean up your own mess and don’t expect someone else to do it for you.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to Illegal aliens afraid to come to the United States

  1. VonZorch, Imperial Researcher says:

    I don’t think they should all be deported. Anyone of them that has been previously deported and convicted of a crime, other than illegal entry to the US, should stay in the US, six feet under it.


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