So much for the GOP(e)’s Great Establishment hope

Good day all. Yesterday news came out that White House Chief of Staff, Reince Preibus was out and that he was being replaced by retired Marine general John Kelly.

Since taking office, President Trump has been plagued with leaks. Preibus, who was brought on after helping Trump win the election was always seen as a bit to establishment for most people. He was also seen as failing to get President Trump’s agenda through congress, and then there were all the leaks.

It was thought that after Sean Spicer resigned, and Anthony Scaramucci came in that Preibus’s days were numbered. There was certainly no love lost between them. With the failure by the GOP(e) to actually keep their promise to eradicate Obamacare, Trump had enough and Preibus was out.

Now, President Trump has brought in yet another former military man to help bring order to chaos. Here are some of the details from the New York Slimes:

President Trump frequently referred to John F. Kelly as one of “my generals,” the three senior military leaders he recruited for his team. On Friday, Mr. Trump decided to see whether Mr. Kelly, a retired four-star Marine Corps general, could impose a new sense of discipline on an unruly and chaotic West Wing.

I think that a few members of the White House staff are going to be in for a bit of a shock in the coming weeks. Preibus, who’s job it was, was to keep the staff in line, failed completely. General Kelly won’t have any problem getting rid of anyone who doesn’t toe the line. I expect to hear the phrase “Drop and give me 50!” echoing through the halls of the West Wing.

Mr. Kelly, who became a star in Mr. Trump’s eyes for overseeing immigration policy as secretary of homeland security, will become the president’s second chief of staff. He replaces Reince Priebus, the establishment Republican who never completely meshed with Mr. Trump. Mr. Priebus was ousted after a nasty public feud with Anthony Scaramucci, the new White House communications director.

Correction. It’s General Kelly you Proglodyte Moonbat twit. And Preibus was given his chance and he failed miserably. One thing a good businessman does is deal with incompetent staffers. If they can’t do the job, even after guidance from the management, then they will be sent on their way. President Trump is a businessman who built a multi-billion dollar company. He is not some Beltway Uniparty hack. He knows when to cut his losses and that’s just what he’s done.

Mr. Kelly’s arrival in his new post on Monday could signal a new stability at the White House, but only if Mr. Trump gives him the authority to crack down on the behavior of his other aides. As a real estate developer, Mr. Trump has operated with a staff that has often seemed out of control.

Oh I take that as a given. Unlike Proglodytes and Uniparty slugs, Trump is not a micro-manager. He gives directions and then lets his staff handle the details. If he hired General Kelly, you can bet that he’s going to tell him to lay down the law and get things done.

The selection of Mr. Kelly was quickly praised by both Republicans and Democrats, who expressed hope that he would bring a swift end to the distracting feuds among the president’s staff.

The kind of discipline that he is going to bring is important,” Senator Richard Blumenthal, Democrat of Connecticut, said on CNN shortly after the president’s announcement. “I hope that we’re at a turning point now.”

Be careful what you wish for Senator, you just might get it…Right in the back of the head. These distractions have only aided the Progressive Democrats, and when General Kelly cleans up the Preibus mess, he’s going to turn his attention to Congress…Both sides of the aisle.

Mr. Kelly had no previous connection to Mr. Trump until he was nominated to join his administration, though he has long nurtured bipartisan support from members of Congress. And he was not always in lock step with Mr. Trump’s policies, publicly questioning the need for a full border wall with Mexico and calling Russia a threat to the United States as the president signaled a friendlier approach to Moscow.

Unlike the Great Mistake, (Barack Obama), President Trump doesn’t want yes men and flunkies who won’t give him a straight answer. Those types are bad for business. As for the wall? General Kelly might be right and wrong. We may not need a full “Great wall of China” style barrier. That’s what engineers, surveyors and architects are for.

As for Russia. If what’s been happening is President Trump being friendly, I would really hate to see it when he’s unfriendly. However, I don’t think General Kelly is all that interested in starting a war with Russia either, unlike some of the warmongers in Congress. (Lindsey Graham for one)

But over the six months of his tenure leading the Department of Homeland Security, Mr. Kelly, whom friends describe as unafraid to challenge his superiors, emerged as an important and highly visible surrogate for the president.

General Kelly has no superiors. He has only those who are senior to him. Actually, General Kelly was doing exactly what President Trump and the people who elected him asked him to do. Get rid of all the criminals that think that they actually have a right to be in the United States. The only people who have a right to be here are American Citizens and those who have come to the United States lawfully. (And those immigrants are welcome. They obeyed the law to come here)

He took a hard line against illegal immigration and waded into the Russia election interference controversy by defending Jared Kushner, Mr. Trump’s son-in-law and senior adviser, who tried to open back channel communications with the Kremlin. Mr. Kelly said it was “no big deal.”

And the reason he doesn’t think it was a big deal is simple. General Kelly, like most officers in the military, are also students of history. Those back channels have probably prevented an all out nuclear war. And, as we’ve since learned, Jared Kushner was lied to for the reasons for the meeting and looked to get out of it as fast as possible.

For Mr. Trump, the decision to put Mr. Kelly in charge at the White House reflected a deep desire for someone who can project the kind of strength and decisiveness that the president never saw during the six months that Mr. Priebus occupied the corner office down the hall from the Oval Office.

And that says a lot about Preibus, doesn’t it? He turned out to be just another Establishment Republican, a wishy washy spineless twerp with delusions of competence. President Trump has decided that the children have gotten away with to much and now he’s put someone in charge who won’t put up with that crap and is going to start cracking the whip. The Marines have landed and the situation will soon be well in hand.


~The Angry Webmaster~

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One Response to So much for the GOP(e)’s Great Establishment hope

  1. BruceInVA says:

    I’m an Army vet, but by God, I love me some jarheads. And Generals Kelly and Mattis would not take offense at that.
    Quote on the wall at the Marine Corps museum from Reagan (if I remember it correctly), “Many people live their entire lives wondering if they’ll make a difference in the world. Marines don’t have that problem.”


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